Chapter 15 Crazy Type

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Jogging with Brandon was as expected. He was being a goof the whole time and teasing me because I could not keep up, in fact at one point he started jogging circles around me. Guess it was pay back for me laughing at him for breaking my bowls.

Once I got home he left and i took a quick shower and started studying for my final exams that were coming up. There is only two weeks of school left. This semester flew by fast and I'm sad that it is over but i am ready for what is next to come.

My studying is not hard since i am taking easy classes really its just memorizing my lines and fighting moves for my stunt class. Which i ended up having the same girl be my scene partner for both, I should call her and ask her if she wants to come and practice a bit.

Ashley came over for a bit and we were now sitting in my living room with some pizza searching for a movie to watch.

"How about something scary?" She asks in her best spooky/intimidating voice. Which just makes me laugh. "I'm cool with it, I love scary movies."

"Oh what about something romantic!"

I laugh, "okay, like what? I haven't seen much to be honest."

She thinks for a minute then picks somethings and connects it to the tv. I hear my front door begin to unlock which causes us to turn our heads to see who it is.

Sam walks in with Brandon behind him. "Hey babe" Sam waves walking over to where I am sitting Brandon peeps his head out beside him 'Yeah, Hey babe" he mocks Sam. I roll my eyes stand up to greet them and introduce them to Ashley.

"Ashley this is Sam my boyfriend." I smile sweetly at his as they shake hands, Brandon clears his throat loudly, I sigh as loudly as possible. "And this, here... is .... his brother Brandon."

He messes my hair up with his hand and walks over to give Ashley a bear hug. "Glad to see Elaine has some actual friends." He teases.

"Yeah well not for long if you keep bothering her."

"So what are you girls up too?" Sam asks kissing my head.

"Well we were about to watch a movie..

"OoOoo What movie?! I love movies! You know Ashley," Oh no, I hear Brandon start with his seductive voice. "I myself am an actor."

"Oh boy, here we go." I hear Sam mumble causing me to laugh.

"That's cool." I hear Ashley say very nonchalantly. "So are we going to watch it or sit around all evening talking about ourselves?" "Ouch." I hear Brandon huff.

Brandon sits on the carpet in front of Sam and I, and Ashely sits on the smaller couch next to us.

"Oh my god seriously? This movie?"

"Brandon it hasn't even started yet! Will you shut up!" Sam says smacking him with a pillow.

"It's the notebook isn't it?" He turns up to face me, I shrug my shoulders. He gives me a shocked gasp.

"You've never seen this movie?"

I smile "uh no, but I'm guessing you have, many times."

He opens his mouth to say something but Ashley quickly interrupts, "Shhh! You're going to miss it!" I smile at her. Then turn back to catch Brandon gazing at me with a soft smile which causes me to blush. I snuggle into Sam hoping to hide it.

Once the movie is over Ashley and I are left a sobbing mess. Brandon offers to give her a ride home since it was getting late and she walked here.

Sam decided to stay over for a bit since Brandon drove them here and he didn't feel like leaving just yet. Brandon said he would be back for him in an hour or so.

"So how have you been?" He asks helping me pick up the mess of the pizza boxes and juices. "I feel like its been so long since we have seen each other."

"It does feel like that, doesn't it?" I shrug it off, I have been feeling a bit distant with Sam but I know that he's busy with work and that he loves me and I love him. At least i thought I loved him but maybe I have the wrong idea of l Love Sam stays silent waiting on my answer.

"I've been good, nothing to crazy."

"Yeah" he says coldly "You're not the crazy type. Right."

Okay that was odd and harsh. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, Why wouldn't it be Elaine?" He asks more aggressively.

Okay he's clearly in a mood. "Right, well I'm going to take a shower, You're welcome to whatever." I dismiss with my hand and leave as I'm about to enter the restroom Sam asks "Who's Harry?" I turn my head to see his fist clenched onto Harry's note.

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