Chapter 9 Brandon

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    I see Sam's older brother Brandon standing in the door frame waiting patiently for me to greet him, like I've missed him. "Brandon.." I sigh, "What's up? What are you doing here?"

"That's what I get?! Really!" He scrunches his face at me. "Get over here and give me a hug, you punk."

I stumble over to him and squeeze him tight "Hi Brandon". He smiles, pinching my nose. "So, what's up? How's school?" He asks me walking into the kitchen area searching the cabinets for a glass.

"School is school" I grab a seat, watching him poor himself some juice. Please help yourself. I roll my eyes. Yep that's Brandon making himself comfy where ever he wants.

Brandon is a few years older than Sam. He looks almost exactly like him. Dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, except his height. Brandon is way taller, he looks to be about 6'4. Where as Sam seems to be 5'10 - 5'11.

"How's acting?" I ask him as he sits across from me. "Meh, it's alright." He mumbles sipping his juice, he sees me roll my eyes. I scoff and get up to serve myself a drink.

Brandon is nice, but he likes and knows how to push my buttons. His acting career is going amazing he just landed the lead for a new rom-com. He likes to act like it's no big deal or like he doesn't care. Which makes me question why he even is an actor. He's super cocky, conceded, confident, arrogant and can be a total ass. Whatever, guess it helps that he's attractive and tall. But still he enjoys gloating about his success and acting like it's not a big deal as if he deserved it, knew all along he would get it. It annoys me. I would be stoked to land a role in anything! I'd be jumping off the walls with excitement, and I would show some sort of appreciation.

I lean against my counter drinking my juice. Brandon walks over to me, stops right in front of me and starts to stare at me. I ignore his stare until I get frustrated and yell "What!!" He gestures his hand for me to move over to the side. I throw my cup into the sink and head to my room. "You are such an ass".

"Thanks for the juice!" I hear my front door shut and let out a sigh.

Finally. Home alone. I cozy up in my bed and drift off into a nice deep sleep.

A few hours later I'm awaken by a hand grabbing my shoulder. I quickly reach up grab the arm and twist it, flipping the person over me and onto the bed face down. I have their arm behind them, on their lower back, when I realize who it is. Seconds later I hear Brandon complaining "Dude what the hell is taking ... oh?" He pauses when he sees us. A wicked smirk begins to grow on his face, and I immediately know what he's thinking. "I am sorry, am I interrupting... uh whatever this is?" He points to us. I hop off of Sam and fix myself. I open my mouth about to explain when Brandon speaks again. "Oh no please don't stop on the account of me! I'll leave if you want.." he begins to exit the room then turns "unless of course you allow me to stay and watch." he winks. Dear god, I hate him. I rub my forehead trying not to allow his dumbass comment to bother me.

Just then Sam launches out of the bed towards Brandon. "Oh shut up! That's not what this is!" Brandon runs down the hall away from Sam. "Oh well then, if you don't mind," Brandon teases out of breath placing his hands on his hips. "I'll have her now." He casually lifts his arm to point at me. Ugh! No.

"Oh that's it." I hear Sam growl under his breath.

Next thing I see they're rolling around my living room floor wrestling. Typical.

I head back to my room to check the time. 10pm. Still early. I grab a pair of pjs and head to the restroom to freshen up.

As I open the restroom door my nose is blessed with the wonderful, delicious smell of food. Burgers mmhhmm my favorite. I lick my lips and bite my lower lip. I follow the mouth watering smell to the kitchen. There it is. The beautiful white box. Filled with a hamburger, and fries. Plus a shake. I grab the burger and take a bite moaning "mmm yes thank you guys!" I turn to see them sitting on my sofa drinking their shakes. "Yep" Brandon says with a thumbs up!

I pick up my shake and fries, then walk over and sit down on the carpet in between the two.

"So which one?" Sam pokes me in the arm pointing to the counter under the tv. They brought some movies for us to watch. I get up and walk to the tv. Let's see they brought Friday the 13th, Stephen Kings IT the original, and The Conjuring.

"Hmm this is a tough one." I lift two movies in front of my face, covering my mouth. "It's between these two... the conjuring or it" Sam rolls his eyes. "Of course the conjuring is her favorite scary movie!" I shrug innocently, then wiggle my eyebrows up and down in the most non seducing way possible.

"The Conjuring it is!" I squeal running back to my spot in the carpet. "Told you" Sam whispers into Brandon's ear. He just smiles, then readjusts himself on the couch.

The rest of the night continued on quiet and uneventful. Both of the boys fell asleep about a third of the movie in. Once it finished I went to my hallway closet to grab some blankets for them. After I tucked them in I headed for bed.

What seems like a few hours later I'm awaken by soft tapping on my door. I roll of out bed, stretching and yawning. I pull open the door to see a very sleepy Sam leaning on the frame. "What is it?" I whisper wiping my eyes. He leans in to hug me then kisses me softly on my cheek before whispering in my ear "I'm gonna head out, is it alright if Brandon crashes here? I can't seem to wake him." I roll my eyes sighing loudly "fine, but you owe me for this" I say poking his chest. "Ouch!" He giggles grabbing my finger. "I promise I'll make it up to you." He winks, then walks off to the living room. I help him gather his things then follow him to the door. He opens its walking out, I grab his wrist and turn him around to face me. "Sure you won't stay?" He places his warm hand on my cheek "Not tonight hun". I lean into his hand. I don't know why I even bother asking, Sam never stays. I smile softly. "Okay." He then pulls me into him by the waist and slams his lips against mine. We both start laughing because of how aggressive he leaned it to kiss me and he pulls away "besides you have Brandon to keep you company" I push him away. "Yeah, Great." He pinches my cheek then leaves. I close my door and lock it.

I walk over to Brandon, hands on my hips. He managed to drop the blanket I gave him. Shaking my head I lean over to pick it up and cover him again. I scoff and head to the restroom. As I'm rinsing my face the door opens and Brandon waltzes in taping me on my side with his bum. "Excuse me! I'm kinda in here at the moment" I yell at him. He smirks as he heads to the toilet. "No worries" He winks at me "I just have to pee." "Ugh! Fine I'll just finish in the kitchen sink!" I slam the door stomping my way to the kitchen. I continue washing off my face then grab a rag to dry myself. God Brandon frustrates me so much sometimes, and he can be so inappropriate! I lift my face from the towel to see Brandon leaning on the counter across from me. Shirtless. Of course he would have a six pack. And his arms I never noticed how big and perfectly toned they are. His veins are popping out like crazy. Jesus "Like what you see? Huh?" I quickly cover my face with the towel, knowing very well that I'm blushing. I just got caught checking Brandon out! No need for me to look up at Brandon to know he has a stupid grin on his face and I'm pretty sure he's flexing. I shake my head and throw the towel at him. "Put on a shirt"

I head back to my room and I hear Brandon following me. "Will you quit!" I quickly turn to yell at him. He stumbles into me, grabbing me by the arms so I don't fall back. My face is inches away from his, I feel the warmth of his skin against my clothes. He moves his hand slowly to my waist under my shirt. His eyes never breaking contact with mine. "Quit what?" He whispers slowly glancing at my lips. He starts leaning in. No, nope, this is not happening. I push him away. He smirks, biting his lower lip. He pulls his hand out and away from underneath my shirt. Sending goosebumps all over me. I run into my room, slamming and locking the door behind me. I bite the inside of my cheeks, rubbing my forehead. Did that really just happen.

"What is the actual fuck!"

"Sweet dreams" Brandon taunts through my door.

I grab the nearest book and throw is at the door. Then I hear him chuckle slightly as he walks away.

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