Chapter 6 Harry Hart

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"Wait! How did you even know I would be home?" I questioned. "I mentioned me going to class. So did you just..."

"I saw you. " he replied confidently.

Raising my voice with concern "You saw me!? Are you following me!"

"No" He lifts his hand and I slightly flinch causing him to step back. "You left your blinds open anyone can see you." He points at my window.

"Oh" I say nervously. "But that still doesn't explain how you found my apartment."

He chuckled slightly then stated "You dropped this while you were rummaging through your handbag." He handed me my planner, which has my address written down in the front.

"...of course" I flushed, now I'm embarrassed I made myself look like a total asshat. "I'm sorry for accusing you o.."

"Of stalking you." He interrupts me. Blinking his beautiful, round, dark, chocolate eyes.

My cheeks burn red as I clear my throat "yes"

"Thats alright apology accepted."

Awkward silence fills the air. It feels like forever with him just standing there examining me. "Well" I finally begin to say. "Thank you for the blouse its beautiful. How much do I owe you for it?"

"What?" he exclaimed.

My eye shot open as I whispered  "The blouse? uh how much do I owe you for it."

He smiles "Dear, please do not worry about it, it is a gift from me to apologize for spilling tea all over you."

I nod in acknowledgement as I bite my lip. I reach for my door handle and close the door. "alright I really have to get going now if you'll excuse me." I squeeze by him making my way to the stairs when I feel his hand wrap around my arm and pull me back to face him.

"Hang on, I did not get a chance to properly introduce myself . My name is Harry Hart. How do you do?"

I smile trying not to laugh "How do you do?" I chuckle slightly looking down at the floor, shaking my head this is ridiculous, I can't believe this. I glance up at him and act like the most confident women on earth. "Harry Hart, I'm Elaine." Harry extends his hand to shake mine. I hesitate before taking it into mine, immediately retracting it after feeling a light shock. I'm sure he felt it too although showing no signs that he did.

"Pleasure meeting you." He says as he turns and heads the opposite direction.

"You to?!" I yell back. Okay that was a very strange encounter. Meh whatever back to doing what I planned.

The rest of my day went by quickly. I found myself constantly getting lost in deep thoughts of Harry. I usually tend to overthink many things but this was way more.

Who was he? How does he know Ben? Do they work together. If Harry was a consultant just like Ben that could possibly explain why he is in London I mean they do travel a lot. However what are the chances that he is in London at the same exact time as me, and what are the chances that I ran into him. Also why did I dream about him. I am still not sure how to feel about him randomly showing up at my apartment. What if he does that again? Okay I'm thinking way to much besides I mean I probably won't ever see him again anyway.

Harry HartWhere stories live. Discover now