Chapter 13 Action Movie, Bowls, & Popcorn

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Thank you." She flushes. I love how easily embarrassed she becomes. It is quite adorable. I nod, smiling gently, then turn and begin putting the items of the first aid kit away. I get up and return it to the bathroom.

"Um.. so" i hear Elaine begin, then chuckle nervously. "You can uh go if you need to." She says rubbing her elbow. "I mean, i uh i don't want to keep you, if you, if you have plans for tonight or something." She half smiles at me.

I don't want to leave and it almost seems like she doesn't want me to either. I know i shouldn't stay. Hell with the thoughts I have running through my head i shouldn't be anywhere near her.

I smile shaking my head before responding. "No Elaine I don't have plans tonight."

"Oh" she let's out barley audible. She seems relieved by my response.

"I can go if you want" i offer hoping she'll confirm my question on whether or not she wants me here.

"No, It's okay." She smiles warmly. "Stay."

I smile then walk towards her sofa "May I?" I gesture to her sofa.

"Of course." She nods.

The tension in her small living room is driving me mad. I worry I wont be able to resist her much longer. These past few weeks of not seeing her almost drove me mad.

My thoughts are interrupted by her small laugh. "So?" She giggles looking down at her hands. She's picking at her fingernails. She is so cute, and shy. Shit, I've now realized I've been staring at her without saying a thing.

"So?" I lean towards her placing my elbow on my knee and resting my chin on my hand.

I'm intimidating her, I wonder why. Her breathing has changed slightly. Her pulse has accelerated and shes blushing.

"Do you or would uh aha like to watch a movie? Or something?"

I cant help but let out a small laugh. "Sure, What movie do you have In mind?"

"I'm not sure. Something with action?" She gets up and heads to the kitchen. "Would you like some popcorn?"

"Yes. Thank you." Action huh? Interesting choice I would have guessed romance or comedy. Maybe she is choosing based on my liking, although i never mentioned it.

Elaine's P.O.V.

I rush to the kitchen. Oh my god I can barley breath In there with him. It feels so intense the way he's staring at me. It's making me so nervous? Action? I went with an action movie of all movies? Why? Ugh he makes me feel so, so, ugh I don't even have words to describe It, but I like it.

I rush to make the popcorn. Put it in the microwave and wait patiently for it to be done. Should I get two bowls or one? Well I don't have two big bowls so I would technically have to use one. Unless I split it into two small bowls. Ugh why am I overthinking everything. I'll just get two bowls.

I go to open the cabinet and my bowls are missing. There's a sticky note where my bowls should be.

Hi Elaine! So sorry I needed to borrow your bowls mine broke whoops and I was tooooo lazy to buy new ones.

~ Love Brandon ~

Of course! Seriously why would he even need to take mine that makes no sense it would have been easier for him to buy his own! He's probably just doing this to annoy me.

I pull out my phone and text him.

Me: u owe me bowls!

Brandon:  I do dont I?

Brandon: oops lol     

Me: not funny.

I have no choice but to use the big bowl. I mean I guess we could share or I don't even have to have popcorn. I could just hand it to him. Okay I need to relax. It's just Harry, no big deal. No need to overthink like I'm doing. I take a deep breath before returning to the living room. 

Harry's in the same place as before, I smile and walk over to him. I hand him the bowl and he thanks me. I grab the remote and sit back on the couch next to the one he's sitting on. I turn on the TV and start searching through action movies. I finally choose one and sit back quietly to watch.

"Would you care to join me?" Harry asks a few minutes in.

"Sure" I slowly get up trying to sustain my breathing. I sit down on the couch next to him and let out a large breath. Showing how stressed I am. Oh my god! I! He's! I can't believe, he's going to know now for sure that he makes me nervous!

He doesn't say anything he just offers me the bowl of popcorn. Of course I take a ton of it in my hands and begin shoving it in my mouth. One by one. That way I won't be able to make a total full of myself. He notices this and smiles at me. He must think Im a complete idiot. Gosh his smile Is so cute though, I catch myself smiling back at him. Day dreaming of his lips, on my neck. Leaving a trails of soft wet kisses. I shake my head. I need to stop. I don't even know this man, at least not that well. Yet here I am sitting in my living room, next to him, on my small sofa. Hoping that he'll lean in and kiss me. Softly, gently, aggressively, desperately. Hell at this point I don't care how I just want him to. He surprises me by throwing popcorn at my face. I gasp then giggle throwing some back.

"What was that for??" I question shoving his shoulder playfully.

He shrugs "no reason." He says smirking while putting popcorn in his mouth.

"Uh huh sure" I say rolling my eyes.

He laughs but continues watching the movie. I am bored and sleepy. I can't even focus on the stupid movie. All I can think about is Harry and how he is sitting right next to me. I feel myself slowly dozing off.

Harry's P.O.V.

Elaine spent more than half the movie glancing at me. I wonder what she was thinking about and why it made her smile so much. She dozed off about half way through and ended up leaning into my shoulder. She's so beautiful and sweet. She has her arms wrapped around mine and her knees curled underneath her. I softly tuck her hair behind her ear and she stirs. I hope I don't wake her, maybe I should. She looks so peaceful and relaxed.

I glance at my watch seven minutes till midnight. I should go, I slowly get up and carry her to her room. I tuck her in and begin to walk out.

"Harry?" She whispers.

I turn around slowly to see she's still sleeping.

"Harry" she whispers again.

She's dreaming about me?

"Kiss me."

My mouth drops open. Kiss me. She just asked me to kiss her. Well obviously not me, but me in her dreams.

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