Chapter 2 Dream School

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My knees are trembling I can't move I'm frozen. Gazing down at this small letter in my hands that has just completely, entirely changed my whole life in a matter of seconds. I turn my head to professor Ari. Her dark blue eyes full of joy. She has a smile ear to ear.

"Congrats honey I knew you would make it."

I rush over and give her a hug. "All because of you." I tell her.

"Nonsense, You did this all on your own."

I shake my head. The only reason I had any bit of hope left was due to Professor Ari. She saw my full potential from the beginning. She was the only one there for me. If not for her I would have dropped out months ago.

Professor Ari trained me well and now I have been accepted into the largest acting school in London. Thats right I was going to school to become an actress. I have always had a passion for acting and the entertainment business. My father had promise to help me and become my manager. Once he passed my mother sent me off to work to bring in money for her and my sisters own pleasing. Attending school and working full time benefited both my mother and I. She rarely would have to see me and I her.

"Professor Ari is it okay if I crash her until I leave?" I fall on my knees begging her at her feet.

She chuckles "Of course dear! You know I would never mind. Especially with Ben being gone till next month."

"Thats right he got dragged to Texas for the emergency meeting."

Ari smiles and nods.

She leads me down the stairs to what use to be her basement but is now a guest room. It is absolutely beautiful. White fuzzy Carpet underneath the bed which they have in the middle of the room. A window behind the bed, which would probably freak me out at night. The walls were painted an off white gold. It had a restroom in the corner. A small little kitchen, a desk with three computers on it. My oh my I was left in aww. My mouth hanging open.

Ari walks by me and taps my chin. "Close your mouth hun you leave it open any longer and you'll attract a fly."

I clear my throat "sorry."

I knew Ben made good money. But oh my god this room was more like another house. Mind blowing.

Ari has offered me to stay here before upon realizing my living situation but I always politely declined. My mother would have literally killed me if I didn't return home. Now I would surely never return. I wouldn't even bother picking up my items. They were all crap anyways. I was to leave everything behind and start completely new in London. EEeep! I still can't believe I was accepted.

"Elaine feel free to do as you please, ill run upstairs and get you a pair of Pjs. In the meantime you know how to work the shower?"

I nod.

"Oh and if you decide to leave I will write you your own code for the house. No need to have you setting off the alarm and waking the whole neighborhood."Ari chuckles.

I turn to see I have my own personal entrance, are you kidding me?!?

I nod again.

Ari disappears up the stairs.

I throw myself on the queen bed. Exhale deeply. Heres to new adventures I smile. To a new life. A whole new world.

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