Chapter 11 Eggsy

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I order my usual drink and as i am about to pay the young boy from before stops me. "I'll take care of It."

"What? No no its fine. If anything i should be paying for your drink!"

"Non sense." He scoffs handing the cashier some cash. "Oh and Grace will you add some cake pops for me? Please?"

"Sure thing Eggsy!" She winks at him before turning around to grab our stuff.

Eggsy? Interesting name, definitely one of a kind. He turns to face me leaning his elbow onto the counter.

"Thank you."

"Sure thing babe."

Ha! Babe and love all in the same day. Let's not forget his little wink. This guy is extremely friendly. He extends his hand out towards me. "Gary, Gary Unwin." What is up with these guys introducing their first name twice. First Mr. Harry, Harry Hart and now this dude. I place my hand in his shaking it. "Elaine." I smile, not sure if i should say my last name or not? "Pleasure to meet you Miss Elaine"

"Like wise Gary."

"Alright Eggsy here you go." Grace says handing him his cake pops and my drink.

"Thanks again."

He smiles shyly, "So where are you headed?"

"Oh I am uh going to my school to do some work in the library."

"I'll walk you." He smiles placing his hand on my lower back leading me out the door.

"So Eggsy?" I ask wondering about the name the cashier called him. Eggsy laughs "you caught that huh?" He grins at me. I nod sipping my drink, hoping he continues on. "Well my real name is in fact Gary. I wasn't lying, but i don't like the way it sounds. People started calling me Eggsy as a nickname and it just stuck. "Which do you prefer?" I ask, i hope he doesn't think i am being too intrusive. He sighs taking in the question. "You know I am not sure. Honestly both are fine. I am just more use to Eggsy."

"I see."

Once we arrive to the campus I thank Eggsy again for my drink and for walking me. He tells me it was lovely meeting me and he hopes to see me around.

I make my way to the Library and quickly begin to work. i have an essay due in two weeks and I haven't even begun the research that i need for it. A few hours later my hard work is interrupted by the librarian letting me know that they will be closing soon. I glance at the clock. 7pm holy hell time flew. I gather all my notes, books and head out. I thank the librarian one last time and exit the building.

It is absolutely beautiful outside tonight. The sun is setting and the sky has a mixture of pink, purple and light blue. What i like to call Cotton Candy sky. Not paying attention i miss a step going down causing all my papers to fly out of my hand. I land on my knees and hands scrapping them. "Great" I glance around quickly to see If anyone witnessed my embarrassing fall. Luckily there was no one near by to see my stupidness. I stay on the ground and begin to pick up my papers before the wind blows them away. My luck, I lose one and begin to chase it. "No!" I hurry after it and someone manages to step on it with their shoe stopping it. He leans over to pick it up and I immediately know who it is as i trace my eyes slowly from his perfectly shined shoes, to his perfectly shined hair. Harry.

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