Chapter 4 Leaving

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Jez what happened last night, my head feels like it is going to explode. I slowly begin searching the bed with my hands for my phone. "Where in the world is it?" i sit up and notice something shimmer in the sun. My phone was at my feet. Okay weird. "Great its dead, freaking use less." Well, on the bright side I won't need to face all the missed messages from my mother, if there even is any. Kind of peaceful guess ill just leave it dead. Besides once in London ill get a different phone.

What time is it. I look up, because of course this room has an awesome projection clock that shows the numbers on the ceiling. 11:57 Oh my it's so late. I never wake up passed 7. Literally impossible even if I try my body is on schedule to wake up 7 being the latest.

I stroll to the bathroom. Yawn and stretch in front of the mirror. Wow I need to shower.

Afterwards I head upstairs. Ari is sitting in the living reading a book. "Good Morning Ari"

"Good Morning Elaine, How was your slumber." She questioned.

"It was great considering I slept in this late."

She laughs "that good huh?"

I smile she continues "any good dreams?"

Hmmm I study her question "Actually I had a really weird one."

She glances at me with caution. "how so?"

I scratch the back of my neck and shrug "Its nothing really never mind."

Her brows furrow.


"Yes, dear?"

"If you don't mind me asking... what does Ben do for a living."

Ari then shoots her eyes from her book straight into mine. "Oh of course I don't mind, I thought I've mentioned this before. He's a Consultant."

I nod.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason" I quickly lie. "Ari would you happen to have a phone charger I could borrow mines run out of juice."

She nods and walks to the kitchen. *ding* *ding* her cellphone chimes. Out of bad habit I get up and check her screen. Is Elaine awake yet? I scrunch my face. Why would Ben be concerned about my sleeping schedule? I shake my head and sit back down. Just in time Ari emerges from the kitchen door. "Here you go" she smiles and she extends her hand holding the charger.

"Thank you" I get up and head downstairs. I plug in my phone and begin charging. By 5pm tonight I will be in taxi headed to the airport to leave for London. I can hardly wait, just a few more hours.

☼ ☀ ☽ 4:45pm

I quickly run through my check list all set. I examine myself in the mirror once last time, when I notice something on my neck. It looks like a swollen little red dot. My mind flashes back to my dream with Ben and his watch. He shot me with some type of needle it looks like. If it was a dream as suspected why am I red. Okay relax don't freak out its probably just a coincidence. Right? I hope.

"Elaine!! The cab is here."

"Thank you for everything Ari! tell Ben I say thank you as well." I squeeze her one last time. I see tears begin to form in her eyes. "Oh no please, please don't cry cause then ill end up I crying." I tell her holding her shoulders. She wraps her hands around me again. "You'll do great! you deserve every bit of this and I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you" I whisper in her ear. She finally releases me and I ascend down the steps into the cab. The gentleman closes the door and hops in. I turn and give Ari one last wave and blow her a kiss.

The drive to the airport was quick maybe 30 minutes. It was quiet and peaceful. I was leaving California once and for all. I smiled to myself.

I boarded the plane. We were scheduled to take off at 7pm. Arrival time 5 am.

I was lucky enough to book a window seat in the last row. Quiet and peaceful. I dozed off as soon as the plane was in the air.

"Crap Im lost, Im lost, Im los..." as I was turning I bumped into a man and lost my balance. He caught me right before I hit the ground. It was as if the whole world has paused momentarily and it was just us looking into each others eyes our noses centimeters apart from touching. "Oops my apolo...gies?" I whisper. This gentleman I've seen him before, the suite the tie, the umbrella, it's all so familiar. Thats it! The man from Ben's secret room, but what is he doing here? In London? Is he even real?

"Are you alright?" he questioned still holding me close to his face. His warm breath danced across my chin.

"Yes I'm fine thank you... err for uhh saving? me?" I said nervously.

He smiled. My Gosh this guy is attractive. Elaine! I scolded myself, he's at least 35 years older. Besides he would never go for someone like you. I mean come on! Wait I'm still in his arms oh boy this is awkward.

"You can uh let me go now? I am okay, Thank you."

He cleared his throat. "Of course! yes!" he chuckled nervously.

For an elder guy he was perfectly fit. His muscles peeping through his suit, his perfectly combed golden brown hair, his large black glasses, and his eyes big round beautiful brown eyes. They were taking me in entirely. Absorbing me. Probably noticing all my flaws and stupidities, stupidities is that even a word?

I scratched the back of my neck "Well ... goodbye." I began walking.

"Hang on I didn't catch you're name" He said as I walked passed him.

I smiled at the ground and continued walking without turning back to face him. "That's because I didn't throw it." I then turned quickly, continued walking backwards and winked, then turned again. I am on a role.

I was awakened by the pilots voice over the intercom. "Attention passengers we are now landing. Welcome to London."

I sighed loudly, unfortunately but as expected, it was only a dream.

Harry HartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin