Chapter 17 Sam? Or Brandon?

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The hot water from my shower helps me relax, only for a bit. I make myself a sleepy tea and head to bed.

Time for school, I haven't heard from either of the guys, No Sam, No Brandon, and No Harry. Which i mean, No Harry is a good thing. I should not be communicating with him. I grab my things and a warm tea and head out for school. I walk past the morning coffee shop.
"Elaine?" I hear a voice call me but decide to ignore it, I'm in no mood to be cheery.
"Elaine!" I hear footsteps catching up to me, i slowly turn to see Eggsy. 

"Eggsy" i say as excitedly as i possibly can.
"Hey" he breathes, then gives me a hug. "How are you?" He says hooking his arm with mine then placing his hands in his pocket. 

Feels nice to not be entirely alone. Maybe i should have gone out, instead of staying at home moping around. 

"I'm good" i smile " How about you?"
"Better, now that I've seen you?"
I force a small laugh. "How is everything though? How's school?" he asks, nudging my shoulder with his.
"Umm, it's good, almost over." I sigh relieved.
"What will you do when it ends?"
"You know, I'm not sure yet. Probably nothing." I force another soft chuckle. Eggsy chuckles with me "Well, i mean hey, you could always hang out with me." He smiles. I just nod in agreement "I could." I sip my tea. "What are you drinking?" He asks curiously.

"Uh, just tea."

"Right, but what kind?"
I roll my eyes, "does it matter?"
"I mean no, but-
"It's some relaxing tea, a friend recommended, but i forgot the name." I shrug. He just nods.
We get to my campus and he wishes me luck. "Bye Eggsy, nice seeing you."

I did not feel like being at school today. I did not have the energy or motivation or really anything required to even be here. I chugged the rest of my tea and headed to class. 

"Bloody Hell, what happened to you?" Ashley asks as i sit next to her. "That noticeable?"
"Well, no." She tries to lie, i smile at her. "You okay? Long night?" "More like days." I correct her. "You ever need someone to talk to, you know i am only a phone call away." 

"Thank you Ashley." "So what happened? Sam? Or Brandon?" I snap my head to face her. "Brandon? Brandon? Why would it be Brandon?" She leans back a bit "Oh uh, I mean I don't know." We both stay silent for a bit.  "okay wait, do you seriously not know why i asked?" I nod my head. "Brandon is practically in love with you." I sit up in my seat and think about what she just said. Brandon in love, love with me? I start thinking about everything Brandon does or says around me, thinking of the way he behaves. Brandon, no... that is ridiculous. We've always been like brother and sister, always arguing and hating on each other. "No, no, it's Brandon" I roll my eyes "He's 'in love' with everyone" Ashley stays quiet for a bit. "You're right, I'm sorry, i guess i misread the signals."
"Yeah, i mean he was trying to get at you the whole night!" I remind her.
"Well not necessarily."
"What do you-
"Okay Good morning, Hope everyone is well."
It's Harry again, i facepalm, why is he here? Can my professor seriously not find anyone else? "Today we begin showing the scenes, who's first?"

The scenes! oh my gosh, I've been so worried about this that I forgot to go over it again! Hopefully things will go slow today and I won't have to present it until next class. Not only that having Harry here watching me is making me extremely nervous. We haven't spoken since the night he tucked me and I do not know how I should behave. 


Oh no! "Yes, Professor?" 

"Will you perform your scene, please."

My eyes practically exploded out of my head, I turn to Ashley for help. Luckily she notices my face and steps in. "Excuse me professor?" 

"Yes, Ashley?"

"I am not feeling to well, I'm Elaines partner and- 

I see Ashely get up and head towards the front of the room then she collapses onto the floor. I hear people gasping and see them running cup to her. 

"Ashley!" I run to her and cup her cheek, lifting her head so she's facing me. She peeks at me then winks before going limp again.

"Ashley???" I turn to look up at my professor. "She fainted" 

"I see that." he says glancing at me and at then back at her suspiciously. "No worries, I rang someone, they are on their way for her." He leans down to feel her forehead. "Till then, everyone class dismissed, we will continue next time. Keep an eye on your emails, I will create a schedule for the performance order." 

I can not believe this. Okay Elaine relax, just breathe, slowly. Try and lower your heart rate or you might pass out too. I did not need this much of a distraction! Jeez. I exhale loudly. 

"You okay?" Harry asks startling me. 

"Ah! yeah, I'm fine." I sigh.

"She will be okay." he smiles softly. 

Oh I know that, its not her I'm worried about. 

"Yeah." I respond 

"Relax, she should be waking up soon and someone will be here to make sure she's okay." 

I just nod, trying to hide my embarrassment, I can not believe she went this far. On cue Ashley started waking up. "Woah" she says rolling her eyes, "That was weird."

"Ashely! are you okay???" I play along. 

"yeah, yeah" she grabs her head attempting to sit up but then leans back down. "Uh sorry, it was just my head, I just got dizzy" 

Wow, she is good. I smile to myself. "Why are you smiling?" she asks. 

"I am just glad you're okay."

"Yeah Miss Mortez was really worried about you, really got her heart rate going."

My heart rate, I turn to look at him, how did he know my heart rate was going crazy? Was it that obvious? 

"Well I think I am okay now, guess I was just a little stressed." she smiles at Harry. I glance over him, I wonder if she finds him as attractive as I do. Does she know that I find him attractive and that I might be into him.  I catch her looking back and forward from Harry to me, over and over, slowly piecing it together. Then I see her get a knowing grin on her face. 

She knows, she absolutely knows.

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