Chapter 18 My Place

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The nurse came and rolled Ashely out on a wheelchair to finish up checking her. I wonder how she is going to get out of this one. 

"Elanie?" I hear Harry say and feel my heart practically leap out of my chest. I turn and smile awkwardly. 


"You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah of course I am." I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I quickly kneel down and begin picking up the papers I dropped when Ashley "fainted". 

"Oh, let me help."

"It's okay, I am almost finished." 

Harry obviously ignores me and keels down next to me. My heart starts to beat louder, making it hard for me to focus or hear anything other than it beating. I feel my face heating up, and throat tightening. My god why am I having such a hard time around him all of a sudden. 

I quickly stand up grab the papers, shove them in my bag "Thanks" and run out the door.  I don't even wait for a response. I need to find Ashely and explain to her what she thinks she knows. 

Me: Meet me at my place around 5

Ashley: Kk ;) ;) 



I turn to see Eggsy again. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" 

"Just wanted to see if you were okay, you seemed kinda off this morning."

I laugh "aww Eggsy you're so sweet, I'm fine, thank you."

We start walking to my place. "Got any plans?" 

"Not really was just going to have a friend over from school." 

He just nods, we walk silently the rest of the way. I like Eggsy, he's sweet and very easy going. Does not pressure me, judge me, overwhelm me with questions. He is a good friend and I am so glad to have met him. 

"Would you like to come in?" I ask as we reach the front of my place. 

"Sure love" he smiles. 

"I apologize for the mess, I had a pre... Brandon?" I turn to look at Eggsy and back at Brandon. "Uh what are you doing here?" He stays silent, him and Eggsy are glaring at each other. I wave my hand in between them "Hello??" 

Eggsy snaps back into reality. "Sorry love, I've got to go, I just remembered I made plans with an old friend." He glances at his watch, then at Brandon, then leans in to hug me. He whispers in my ear "Enjoy yourself, be safe, see ya around." He scowls at Brandon one last time then leaves before I can say anything else. 

"weird" I role my eyes and stroll into my kitchen. Brandon gets up and follows me. "Who was that?" 

"What are you doing here Brandon?" I grab some water and head to my bedroom. Brandon follows not answering my question. I place my bag down and grab and slip off my shoes. Im exhausted, I've had a long day and its not even close to being over I just want to sleep. I throw myself onto the bed and feel it sink in at my feet. I look up and see Brandon sitting there with his back to me. I slightly kick him with my toe. He slowly turns to peek at me. "You okay?" Me asking Brandon if he's okay and meaning it. Odd, He just smiles. 

I sit up and crawl over to the edge where he is. I nudge his shoulder with mine, "What is it?". Now I am actually worried Brandon is never like this, at least not in front of me. 

"I am sorry."


"Elaine.. I

Someone knocks at my door. Ashley! I quickly get up and head to the front then glance at the clock. 15 till 5 she's never early, she is always late, she must be really excited to hear what I have to say. I open the door and sure enough Ashley barges in and begins screaming with excitement. 

"Go on! tell me, all of it now! and don't you dare even think about lying I saw the looks you and Harry were giving each other!"

"Ashley!! shhh! Brandon is here! He's in my room he'll hear you!"

"Hear you about what?" Brandon asks walking into the living room on queue. I facepalm myself multiple times. Why? Why? Whyyy is everything always timed so perfectly. I turn slowly to face a confused Brandon, what the hell am I suppose to say now. 

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