Chapter 43: All I Wanted

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Matt left and Catherine received a text from Alex asking, "Can I come over to approve the songs for your next performance at the coffee shop?"

Catherine sighed in relief. This was perfect. She could use a distraction so that she wouldn't worry about Matt. "Sure," she texted back.

Alex came over shortly and Catherine got out her guitar. With a little help from her friend, she got her amp and microphone set up.

"Whenever you're ready," Alex smiled.

Catherine's fingers began to play and she soon started to sing, "Think of me when you're out- when you're out there. I'll beg you nice from my knees..."

Alex clapped in awe when she concluded. "That was beautiful. Your voice has so much power," he complimented.

Just then, Carlos opened the front door. "Was that a Paramore song I just heard?"

Catherine nodded.

"I can't believe you're jamming without me," Carlos pouted.

"I'm just clearing a couple songs with Alex," Catherine laughed. "Don't act like that, Carlos. You play almost every day without me."

Carlos sighed. "Yeah, you're right. It sounded wonderful, by the way."

"Thank you."

Carlos sat down and Cath played Alex a few more songs, which he quickly approved. He left soon after, saying that he needed to finalize some wedding plans with Natalie.

"So, did you tell him about the wrist?" Carlos asked.

Cath nodded and explained everything that happened. "I'm just so worried about him," she concluded.

"He's just upset that he hurt you," Carlos said comfortingly. "I don't think there's anything to worry about."

"You're probably right...I should actually get to Mari's. I need to smooth things over," Catherine sighed.

Carlos offered to give Catherine a ride, but she refused politely. She quickly made her way to her friend's home on foot and knocked on the door.

"Who is it,?" A small, trembling voice asked from the other side.

"Erik," Catherine replied with a small smile. "The Opera house burnt down and I need a place to crash. I promise not to break your chandelier."

"Oh," Mari said weakly. "One minute." She rushed to the kitchen and attempted to cool down her red, puffy face and remove the long black mascara trails that ran down her cheeks. She was only half successful. She unlocked the door and opened it gently. "Hey."

"Hey. Listen, what I said earlier was rude and uncalled for. I'm really sorry. Will you please forgive me?" Catherine asked, noticing that her friend had been crying.

Mari gave a little nod. "It's fine."

Cath pulled her friend into a hug. "I love you, Mariah. You're my best friend."

At that, Mari became undone. She grabbed ahold of Cath's shirt and burst into tears. "How could he just leave?"

Catherine cradled her friend's head to her chest. "I know it hurts, Mari. I don't know the whole story, but I think you were mentioned. I'm pretty sure that Josh likes you."

"He couldn't," Mari sobbed. "They all leave for someone prettier in the end. My first real crush ever and he ditches me before I can even think of a way to tell him."

Catherine pulled away just enough so that she could look her friend in the face. "You are beautiful. Inside and out. Any guy who can't see that is a jerk and doesn't deserve to be with you."

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