Chapter 14: Sure You Can, Honey

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"It's raining pretty hard out there," Matt commented as the Music of the Night scene from the movie began to play.

Catherine checked the weather app on her phone. "It's only going to rain harder. Maybe you should stay the night. I have an extra room. It's a little girly since Mariah uses it when she's over,'s yours for the night, if you want it."

"I had a princess of an older sister," Matt laughed timidly. "I've done girly before. Pink's a good color on me."

"What's your sister's name?"

"Maddie," Matt stated with a small smile. "Mad Maddie with her tiara and monster truck pajamas."

Catherine laughed. "Matty and Maddie. Was that done on purpose?"

"Well, I know Maddie wasn't," Matt said with a twinkle his eye. "We didn't have access to the best of doctors and...well, my parents spent the whole nine months thinking Maddie was Marcus."

Catherine snorted and then immediately covered her mouth. "Please tell me that wasn't ask loud ask I think it was."

"Didn't hear a thing," Matt laughed.

Catherine shoved him playfully. "Hey, why are you still wearing your mask?"

Matt gave a smug little smirk. "Because it makes me look cool."

"You wish," Catherine chuckled, pulling it off and tossing it over her shoulder.

"Catherine!" Matt scolded. "I've had that thing since broadway. It's the only one that fits my face, alright?"

"Relax. There's an area rug."

Matt sighed and gave a small grumble. "It's a good thing I like you a whole lot, Catherine Daei."

Catherine kissed Matthew's burned cheek. "I love you."

Matthew didn't respond with words, he instead decided to tackle her onto the couch with such force that they both nearly toppled onto the floor.

Catherine laughed. "What's that for?"

Matt's brow furrowed. "Can't a man tackle the love of his life when he feels like it? Yeesh."

"Only if you're gonna kiss me after," Catherine replied, biting her lip and flashing a flirtatious smile.

"Only if I get another slice of that divine cake," Matt teased, pushing her off the couch and taking her place.

"Let me guess, 'Should my commands be ignored, a disaster beyond your imagination shall occur'?" Catherine quoted, imitating Matt's voice and laughing.

"Well, I do know how reverse all the hot water in your apartment for at least a week," he smirked.

Catherine scoffed. "Fine. I'll get you more cake."

"No!" Matt laughed, moving over. "He's about to creepily put her in the bed. You can't leave now!"

"It's not creepy, it's adorable! Plus, Gerard Butler looks really hot when he does it," Catherine smiled, biting her lip slightly and staring at the screen.

"I was ten times hotter in my glory days," Matt smiled as he stretched with a sigh.

Catherine smirked. "You wish."

"I was!" Matt insisted.

"Mhm, sure," Catherine giggled as she began to walk back to the kitchen, loving teasing him.

Matthew jumped over the couch to his book bag and dug out his wallet. "I can prove it!" He grinned, flipping through old receipts and debit cards.

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