Chapter 33: Half Sisters

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Catherine was frantically trying to pick out an outfit to wear to dinner with her half sisters. "No...No...No," she said as she tossed aside garment after garment. "I have nothing to wear!"

"What's wrong with what you're wearing right now?" Matt asked from the doorway.

"Everything," Cath moaned, tossing aside another top. "What about this?" She asked, holding up a blue shirt and jeans. "Will this work?"

Matt glanced awkwardly around the room, contemplating whether or not to speak. "It...looks just like what you have on, only darker."

Catherine laughed. "Alright. I'll just wear what I have on. How's dinner coming?"

Matt frowned. "I thought you set the timer."

"I did," Catherine giggled. "I'm teasing." She moved over to her boyfriend and put her hands behind his neck, gazing lovingly into his eyes. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"You were kind," he said after a moment's reflection. "Kind when it seemed no one remembered how to be."

Catherine kissed Matt and as she did so, there was a knock on the door. "Showtime," she smiled. She moved to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. "Hello," she greeted kindly. "I'm Catherine. And you must be-"

"Emily," the tall woman interjected. "And these are my daughters, Ashley and Scarlett."

"It's wonderful to meet you. Come in," Catherine invited. She fiddled with the ring on her finger as she said, "I would like you to meet my fiancé, Matt."

"It's lovely to meet you, Matthew," Emily said, shaking Matt's hand.

"Mommy," Scarlett whispered nervously, "Mommy, why is he wearing a mask? Is he a magician?"

Catherine laughed and quickly interjected, "He likes to pretend to be Erik from The Phantom of the Opera."

Ashley and Scarlett both giggled. "We love Phantom of the Opera," the former smiled. "We saw you play Christine."

"You did?" Catherine asked in surprise, turning to Emily.

"When your father came to visit you, we came with him. We had seen you perform that night," the woman explained.

"Please sing for us," Scarlett begged.

Catherine smiled. "Maybe later."

Ashley turned to Matt. "Do you sing?"

Matt's eye went to Scarlett, who was looking him over critically. Before he could answer, Emily gave a brisk little nod to her daughter. "He does. I can tell. Let him be, Ashley."


Emily's face twisted into a frown. "I said let him be."

"It's quite alright," Catherine said kindly. "Dinner is ready. Are you girls hungry?"

Ashley and Scarlett nodded eagerly.

"Then let's eat," Catherine smiled.

Dinner was going splendidly and Catherine found that she actually liked her half sisters.

Everything was wonderful until Emily got a business call. "I'm afraid we'll have to leave a bit earlier than planned. I have to fax some important papers to a client."

"No," Scarlett whined.

Catherine got an idea. "How long would that take?"

"About an hour," Emily replied with a questioning stare.

"Why don't the girls stay with us and you come pick them up when you're finished?" Catherine suggested.

Emily gave Matt a look of judgement, but replied, "That would be wonderful. What do you think girls?"

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