Chapter 12: He Didn't Tell Me

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"Right then," the man at the head of the table sighed.

"Dad, hurry up. I have to be at Tina's in an hour," Caroline whispered loudly.

"Well, before we start in on the finances," the older man sighed, "there's a proposal here for the Collins-Steele plaque on the east wall. It's nearing the tenth anniversary and some of our staff thought it be nice to have a remembrance of those friends we've lost when the time rolls around. Any questions?"

Catherine whispered to Mariah, "Who died? And who's Steele?"

"It was seven years back. That Steele girl, who helped worked in the costume department, she was married to Collins, that one actor we had as Erik that offed himself," Mari explained hurriedly in a hushed tone. "It was all within a week. I was here when it happened. Horrible accident."

"Aye," Josh said quickly. "I think we're all in agreement. Let's move on."

Catherine stood up suddenly and almost ran to the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Asked the man at the head of the chair.

"I...think I might be pregnant," Catherine said quickly, running through the double doors.

"What?!" Mari roared, standing up and knocking her scolding hot drink onto Josh's pants.

Josh gave a scream of pain and stood up, slamming his chair into Caroline's knee. Caroline attempted to slap him but he ducked out of the way, Caroline slapping another member of the tech squad instead.

"Darn it," Josh muttered, trying to push through the uproar along side Mari.

"Where are you going geek?"

"After Cath!"

"No," Mari snarled, throwing a pile of papers off her coat and into the ensuing panic. "I am."

"Shut up and let's get out of here," Josh muttered angrily, trying to dry off his pants.


Catherine ran down the hallway and into her dressing room. She locked the door and looked in the mirror. "Pregnant? Really? That was the best excuse you could come up with?" She reprimanded herself.


"Cath?!" Josh shouted racing after Mari.

"No, wait," Mari said, stopping abruptly. "I don't know who you think you are, but nobody calls her Cath but me."

Josh looked at her in dumbfounded shock. "Is this really important right now?!"


Catherine didn't know what to do. She heard voices outside her door. "Who could that possibly be?" She thought in exasperation.

Josh stood on the other side of the door leading into Cath's dressing room. "Catherine?!"

Mari bit her lip nervously. "Nerd don't actually think she's-"

"Josh?!" Catherine exclaimed, clutching at her chest. "God, what are you doing here?"

"Come on Cathrine," Josh sighed and Mari knocked furiously. "Let us in?"

Catherine laughed. "Alright," she consented as she unlocked the door. "What's up?"

"The sky, Dumbo," Josh spat.

"Ouch. Testy, are we?"

"You just cost me my job, most likely, and Matt his income. Dang right, I'm ticked."

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