Chapter 26: Carlos Daei

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Catherine immediately sprung out of bed and made a mad dash for the door, grabbing her keys and slipping on some shoes in the process. She didn't bother to put on a coat, though it was freezing outside. She immediately ran to the opera house and burst through the doorway. Her face was still red and tear-stained, and her wrist still slightly hurt from Josh's tight grasp, but that didn't matter.

She went to her dressing room and slid open the mirror, quickly running through the hallway and to the elevator. It took her to Matt's place and she stepped out calling, "Matt? Matt!"

There was no response at first. Did Josh lie? Was Matt really home? Catherine was beginning to wonder if she could even trust Josh anymore. At this point, who could she trust? "Certainly not Mariah," Catherine thought with a little scoff. She again called out, "Matt?"


Matt sat despondently in his chair. He could almost swear someone was calling him. "Josh did you hear that?"

"It sounds like Catherine," Josh said, his eyes showing a glimmer of hope.

"Matt?!" The voice called louder.

Matt jumped from the couch and quickly began navigating the building.


Catherine saw Matt round the corner and immediately ran to him, throwing her arms around him.

"Hey, kid," he laughed a bit teary eyed. "Where've you been?"

Catherine began to sob quietly. "I'm sorry," she mumbled into his shoulder. "I shouldn't have ignored you...I- I-" She tried to finish but only gasps came out. She buried her face further into his shoulder and continued to sob.

"Woah there," he laughed, putting a hand to her head and cradling her tightly, "Well I be danged if you aren't crying...Geez, Cath, what happened?"

"I...did something..." she said slowly, taking deep breaths. "I'm sorry, Matt."

"Relax," he smiled kindly. "Just sit down and let it all out."

Catherine sat and buried her face in her hands. "You're gonna hate me."

"Cath," Matt said softly, sitting down beside her, "there's only one person in the world I'm capable of hating, and it will by no means ever be you."

"Matt," Catherine sighed, turning to face him. She looked at him sadly and said, "Caleb and I kissed. Angel, my soul was weak. Forgive me. I can't lose you...Matt, please say something."

Matt stared at the floor. His eyed searching back and forth across the small dark spots of patterned fabric. "Do you want to leave?"

"No," Catherine said with tears in her eyes. "I want you." She put her hand on his. "I love you."

Matthew continued speaking softly. "Did you want him to?"

"No. Caleb's still my friend, but I told him that we can't hang out outside of performances and rehearsals," Catherine explained. "I told him that my heart belongs to you. We both agreed that the kiss meant nothing. He just needed closure. That's all it was. It meant nothing to me. Are you upset? Matt...Matt, if you're mad, then get mad. Yell at me. Just do something," Catherine said softly. She looked at him with pleading eyes and she wondered if telling him was a mistake.

"We just-" Matt ran coarse fingers through his hair. "We need to slow down, okay?"

"What?" Cath asked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"How long have you known me, really known me? We're moving too fast. We need some distance, some time."

", yeah. Sure. I should go. I'll see you...around," Catherine said rushing into the elevator.

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