Chapter 8: New Love

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Matthew felt his breath being knocked from his chest. Words seemed to fail any expression of the shock that raced around his mind. He swallowed, pursing his lips together and gently letting go of her hand.

Impossible, it had to be.

"Cath," he murmured brokenly, closing his stinging eyes, "you couldn't."

"And why not?" Catherine asked, trying to maintain her composure.

"Because-" he exclaimed, pointing at his face. "And besides...and....and..." He bit his lip and ran his hands through his coarse, disheveled hair, moaning aloud. As he turned to face her, he was struck by her beauty in the mellow stage light. The way her long locks fell gently over her shoulders.

Every movement, every sound seemed intensified.

"Leave," he screamed internally. "Leave before you ruin this."

Closing his eyes and physically shaking the thought from his head, he gave a conflicted sigh.

"You alright?" Cath laughed nervously.

"Forget it," Matt muttered angrily. He opened his eyes, swiftly moving a hand to her waist and pulling her to him.

Before Catherine could react, a strong hand cupped to her cheek and his lips clashed with her own, unwilling to hand her over to anyone else but himself.

Just then, Caleb burst through the door. "Catherine Rose Daei, what is the meaning of this?" He exclaimed angrily.

Catherine broke away from Matthew. "Caleb, I can explain-"

"No, Cath," Caleb said, bluntly cutting her off. "I asked you to marry me and you didn't give me an answer. That was bad enough. But this? Finding you here with him? That's unforgivable."

Catherine wanted to scream. Seconds ago, she was sharing the most magical moment of her life with a man she truly cared for. Of course, Caleb had to waltz in and mess things up. "Caleb..." Catherine began.

"Do you love me at all, Cath?" He asked.

Catherine was completely taken aback. "W-what?"

"Do you love me?"

Catherine closed her eyes. "Caleb, please leave. I'm trying not to hurt you, so please leave."

Caleb moved over to Cath, taking her by the hand. "Please just answer my question."

"Caleb, I really need you to leave."

Matt looked at her curiously. "Answer his question."

Catherine just stood there, saying nothing. She knew that answer, so why wouldn't she speak? She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Cath bit her lip and took a deep breath. She leaned in close to Caleb as she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Well," Caleb snapped, "sorry doesn't do me much good, now does it?"


"May I ask if you ever loved me?" He asked softly.

Matt began to feel a pit of shame in his stomach.

"I...I loved our time together," Cath stammered.

Caleb gave a little scoff. "That's not really that same thing, is it?"

"You're a remarkable man," Cath whispered. "And you deserve to find someone who can appreciate you for every wonderful thing you have to offer."

"I'm sure I will," Caleb sighed. "But not here, not with you." He gave a little nod to Matthew, and uttered a hoarse, broken goodbye to the pair.

Catherine shook her head. Caleb had a talent for ruining perfect moments. Why did he always have to do this?

"Go after him," Matthew exclaimed breathlessly.

"What? No. I love you," Catherine insisted. "Why would I go after him?"

"Because," Matt said simply, "as much as I adore you, I have watched our poor Vicomte slave and suffer over you for the past nine months. That was no ending for a good man. He's had his pride injured. Please, for my sake? I can't be with you knowing I inflicted such pain on a decent man."

"And I can't be near him knowing that he is in love someone who loves someone else," Catherine replied, clinging to Matthew.

He took her wrists gently and pulled her from him, attempting not to succumb to her strong influence over his judgment. "Cath, please, just give the man a proper goodbye."

Catherine fled the room. She exited the building as Caleb was climbing onto his motorcycle. "Wait!" She called.

"Haven't you done enough damage?" Caleb asked in irritation.

Catherine grabbed Caleb by the collar of his shirt and pressed her lips to his cheek gently.

Caleb pulled away.

"Caleb, I do love you, but not romantically. You're my friend, and I care for you very much. I suppose I did love you at one point, but I have feelings for someone else. I care about you too much to continue on letting you think that I love you in that way, when my heart belongs to another," Catherine said with deep affection in her eyes, but that affection was not meant for Caleb.

Caleb thought for a moment. He didn't know how to feel. He loved Catherine more than anything...they had been together for nine months. After a few minutes, he asked, "Is he worth it?"


"The guy that you were kissing in there. I'm assuming that he's the man who has your heart. Is he worth it?"

"I hope so," Catherine replied with a nervous laugh.

"Just know that I'll always be here for you."

"I know. I appreciate it. Thanks."

"Goodbye, Cathy."

Catherine gave Caleb a soft smile. "Goodbye, Caleb Richards."

Catherine watched as Caleb sped away on his motorcycle and then went back inside the opera house. Matthew was nowhere to be found. She called out, "Chris? Christopher!"

No reply.

How could Cath have been so stupid? Christopher obviously was just trying to get rid of her. She broke up with her boyfriend of nine months to be with a guy who didn't want to be with her, or so she thought. Maybe he only went away because he didn't believe that Cath didn't love Caleb. Was that it? Catherine tried to convince herself that that was the reason for his disappearance. "If only I had his phone number," Catherine sighed.

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to xxElectricRosexx

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