Chapter 32: Don't Cry, My Angel

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The next morning, Catherine woke up before Matt. She went to her kitchen and decided to call Mariah.

"Hey, Cath. How are you holding up?" Mari asked.

"I'm alright," Catherine sighed.

"I can tell you're upset about something. I can hear it in your voice. What is it?" Mariah persisted.

"It's...Matt," Cath admitted. "There's just so much I don't understand. Like, I asked him if he truly loved me and he said, 'I believe I could. I believe I will.' The thing is, he's told me he loves me before. Was he lying? Telling me what I want to hear? Oh, and then there's the fact that he's so closed off. He expects me to talk things out and be open, and then he clams up. He doesn't understand that it's hard for me to be so open with him. It's not in my nature to just spill everything out to people. I just...I want him to tell me stuff too."

"First off, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Everybody's different, Cath. Just give him time. He'll come around," Mari assured. "Was there anything else?"

"Just one thing...He and Mel tried having kids," Catherine said, biting her lip.

"Really? Does that bother you?"

"I don't know. It's definitely a bit weird. I mean, especially considering the fact that I've know...I mean, I expected it. They were married, after all. It was just weird to hear it come from his mouth."

"Does he know?"

Catherine thought for a moment. "He knows Caleb and I didn't, but I don't know if he knows that I never have ever."

Mari sighed. "Well, I say that you forget the whole thing. It's not like you can change any of it, so I'd just let it go."

"I suppose you're right," Cath pondered. "Thanks, Mari."

"Anytime," she smiled. "I have to go. Jeremy's taking me out to brunch."

"Okay," Catherine laughed. "Bye."

"Any thoughts on the funeral?" Matt asked slowly from the doorway

"Oh, goodness," Catherine said quickly, clutching her chest. "Matt, you scared me."

"Sorry," he chuckled.

Catherine sighed, shaking her head. "It turns out that my father moved to Brooklyn after he left us. That's where they're holding the funeral. Anyway, I've decided that I'm not going."

"If that's your choice," Matt said with a hint of dismay.

Cath could tell he wasn't entirely pleased with her decision, but she didn't care. It was her decision to make, not his. She had plenty of valid reasons not to go, and he needed to respect that. "Are you hungry?" Catherine asked after a moment. "I could make you something and...not burn myself this time."

"No," Matt said softly with a brisk shrug, "not really."

Catherine smiled. "Matt, how long were you standing behind your door before I got off the phone?"

"Do you wanna go to the park again today?"

Catherine wrapped her arms around Matt's waist and looked straight into his eyes, repeating her question.

"Listen," he sighed, "if I appear closed, it's because I've been too often hurt by being open. If I don't say 'I love you' back every time, it's because we've haven't known each other for a very long time. I want this to last. You don't have to tell me everything if you don't feel comfortable. I'm still a stranger. Mariah told you I was married before I even remembered. If you want to leave, Cath, that's your own choice. I won't stop you. It would hurt me, kill me even, but your happiness comes first."

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