Chapter 28: Good Morning, Handsome

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Josh checked the ropes of the stage and gave a reserved smile. Perfect. He turned to walk back to the sound booth. He was starting to have a blister on the back of his foot that was driving him crazy. The sooner he finished this program and got to take his shoes off the better.

"Josh?" A voice called from behind him.

"Geez, Mari!" Josh exclaimed, tripping over his chair and banging his head on the doorframe.

"Are you okay?" She laughed nervously. "Gosh, Josh, we gotta stop meeting like this."

Josh winced and put a hand to his head. "That'll leave a nasty bruise."

"How's your hand?" Mari asked gesturing to the brace on his left wrist.

"Functional," Josh shrugged, touching a hesitant finger to the black and blue lump that was forming on his forehead. "Did you want something from me?"

"Not exactly," Mari shrugged. "Just wondering if you knew where Cath was."

"Why would you think I'd know?" Josh laughed.

"Because," Mari shrugged, "you're Matt's best friend, I'm assuming he tells you stuff."

"Ah," Josh scoffed with a sad smile, "so I've graduated from 'I.T. Guy' to 'That Dude Who's Friends With Matt'. Great."

"I didn't mean it like that," Mari said with a frown.

"I think they're on a date somewhere."

"Oh," Mari sighed despondently. "Has she...said anything to you...about me?"

"No," Josh mumbled fixing a couple of stuck switches.

"It's over," Mariah moaned. "She hates me."

"Probably," Josh said distractedly.

"Did she tell Matt about the kiss?" Mariah could tell that Josh wasn't paying attention. She decided to have some fun with that fact. "Did she tell him that she's pregnant?"


"Does Matt know that the baby is Caleb's?"


"And he knows that she's planning to marry Caleb?"

"You know what?" Josh said suddenly, turning his head upward. "You were wrong."

"Wrong about what?" Mari asked with surprise.

"You know, girls aren't the only one who have some mold to fit into." Josh said calmly. "Guys do to. We're expected to be 6'5" and ripped and have perfect hair. You were wrong to call me a blob fish, to think that the way I looked made me less human than you. If this is your way of apologizing, then fine, I accept. But I won't make you suffer by waiting around by a monster like me any longer."

"Josh, you don't understand. Catherine accused me of liking you. I had to say something to keep her from knowing," Mari sighed.

"Nice," Josh sighed. "I really gotta work on this."

Mari grabbed Josh's arm. "Josh, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry...I like you, okay?"

"Come on, quit it!"

Mari gave a sigh. "Listen. You're not my type. I'm not attracted to you, but that doesn't mean you're not meant for someone somewhere. I don't hate you, not even a little bit, and believe me, I've tried. I've got Jeremy and he's brilliant, but I can't talk to him. I don't have any friends beside Cath, and I lost her too. I like you, alright? You're a great guy, and I know I can trust you. I'm sorry if my whole loathing you think ruined any chance of us being friends, but-"

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