Chapter: 6 (pt: 2)

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Earlier in the day with bee, after what happened yesterday, he was walking around the park since the school allowed him a day off since everyone has been asking him to train them recently. He was sitting at a bench, reading an article about something that happened at the church, although he just read it to think over yesterday's events.

Bee: wow... I never knew that church exorcist's and priests can become strays as well... *sigh* this world I bad in so many ways, but something doesn't add up, and I don't know what it is. I guess I just need to find more evidence to find the answer, the others are now probably thinking the same thing.

???: "bee?" Said a familiar voice causing bee to look up and see Asia standing near him.

Bee: *beep* *bo* (Hello Asia.) He reply's smiling before they both hug each other and sit down as bee throws the article into the trash.

Bee: *bop* (are you Alright? what happened yesterday must've gave you quite a shock.) He says before Asia nodded a little.

Asia: "yeah I am... but I just don't understand... why did they lie to me and my cousins?" She said sadly before bee rubbed her hair to brighten the mood.

Bee: *beep* *boop* (I don't know Asia... people's goals are unpredictable when it comes to using other humans as their meat shields. But.. If you think about it, I think they are scared of the both of us.) He said smiling making her giggle at his explanation before they both saw issei walking around the park sad, making bee notice that he skipped school because of what happened yesterday.

Asia,Bee: "issei?/*boop*?" They both said causing him to look at them in shock before saying both of their names.

Issei: "BEE! ASIA!" He shouted as he hugged the both of them.

Bee: *ppoo* (I never brake a promises issei.)

Asia: "we're glad your ok issei." She said before he let go of them and both issei's and bee's stomach rumble.

Bee: *boop* (so..... do any of you want anything to eat?)

Issei: "what did he say?"

15 minutes later:

They were now at a MC.Ronalds having some food and were eating some burgers. Bee was eating one with cheese and lettuce, issei had a normal one, and Asia had a healthy one, but for some reason wasn't eating it.

Bee: *boop* (what's wrong Asia? Don't you like the burger?) He said before Asia shook her head.

Asia: "no, it isn't that. I just never have eaten something like this before, so i don't know how to eat it." She said shocking both of them.

Issei: "you've never had anything like this?"

Asia: "no, I haven't." She said before bee held his burger in his hands.

Bee: "*beep* *boop* *ep* (this is how you eat it. You hold it with both hands, the place it in front of your mouth, and then, aaaaaaaahhhh *chomps* *swallows* see? Now you try it.) He said as Asia did as he told her and eats a bit of the burger before smiling brightly.

Asia: "W-wow! It's so delicious!"

Bee: *beep* *bo* (I'm glad you like it.) He said smiling while issei was just at the side looking a little awkward.

Issei: why do I feel like the third wheel of this?

Bee: *boop* *be* (hey Asia, why don't we all hang out since we're all free and don't have anything going on?) He said as issei was confused as Asia was a little confused.

Asia: "like... on a date?" She said blushing while pressing her fingers together before bee's face exploded read and issei's mouth hangs wide open.

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