Prologue (pt: 3 *finale*)

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A couple of months have passed since the agreement and a lot has happened to the 8, they have managed to get the dojo, and also jobs, thankfully to kai's Son, he managed to get a job for everyone that suited them perfectly at the city mall. Orion and Tron were given jobs as security guards, and had climbed up the ranks to the top two quickly thanks to their leadership skills and how they quickly handle disputes, although Tron has to restrain himself from his usual methods, orion also had a job where he gets supplies for the mall sometimes if it's very important. reach was assigned as a medic and also took part time at an electrical workshop where stark was put, their skills were invaluable, even if reach was still studding about electronics, and they became one of the best workers in both their jobs,  they also learned things at the workshop, like how to construct a computer for example. Bee got a job as a parkourist and athletic teacher from the gym that was there, this helped him improve his skills while also teaching people his techniques, he also sometimes have the rest of the group there so they could show and teach their techniques as well. Don was a DJ player at a club there at night, which he made more fun because of his expert skills at manipulating sound, he even made any music sound better, he was so good even restaurants asked if he can play during the day which he accepted, Trf joins mostly in the night but only sometimes in day there since he and don were good friends, he would also improve the music making it even better, sometimes bee and shino would come and also help if the gym wasn't open on a day, bee would manipulate tones with his voice box while shino made the music louder, and if the four were together, they made any music sound like a party of a lifetime. Trf and shino also have a job on helping people around the mall and entertain some people there, this was easy since Trf had powers manipulate and control space and gravity along with shino but she only has half as mutch of power than him, they even create objects out of thin air to make people confused and shocked and ask on how they do it, they both became very popular and everyone would mostly be happy to see them, they both would even help the rest If they needed some help.

They worked 6 days a week for a total of 10 hours. At first, everyone thought they were all crazy, but they proved them wrong big time. 10 hours of work was nothing to them since they had to battle every second of the day back on Cybertron. Don made some fake documents, since humans tend to document every people every single person in the world so they could keep track on their health, he wrote that everyone except for Trf and shino were 19 years old while they were 18, they were from jasper, Nevada, and that they were non adopted orphans, along with other false information. He also wrote down that they were all healthy as they should be for their age.

Orion and Tron had standard data, don wrote that Orion has a metal battle mask implant and that Tron as scars on his chest and on his back because of certain events of their past. He also put that the both of them have a large history with all 8 of them that none want to talk about in public.

Stark also had standard data, don also wrote that he had lost an eye as a kid as a certain man and was helped out by reach to become used to his surroundings since he only had one eye.

Reach also had standard data, don wrote down that before he was a teen he lost someone special to him which made him want to become a medic and help others.

Bee also had standard data, don wrote down that his voice box was damaged as a kid by an accident by Tron along with that reach helped him along with Tron, which led to Tron to giving him a voice box modulator as a gift of forgiveness, he also wrote that his voice would take some years to fully heal.

Don wrote similar records to himself, but he wrote that he had a eye condition and had an issue at speaking, though he could speek a language he relied on sign language, which he learned here in Kuho, because of what he went through. This tiny lie made people spineless on why he wouldn't speek.

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