Chapter: 5 (pt: 3)

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When the group left the warehouse, rias told issei about another contract that he had to do and he left to do it while they walked back. Rias was preparing to heal Tron along with Akeno to don while bee Walked along with Kiba silently with reach and koneko way behind them.

Reach: "so, koneko... what did you want to talk about?" He said while looking at her before she stopped walking and looked at him with a slight frown.

Koneko: "... I smelled a familiar cent on your jacket... do you know her?" She said with some edge making reach's eyes widen before he sighs.

Reach: "yes... I know about kuroka, shirone. *koneko's eyes widen* while we were heading back from a trip. Trf, shino and I saw some light in the distance that were caused by your sister and five unknown and unwelcome'd devils. When we arrived, we found your sister wounded by them and we took the devils out, and we managed to patch her up." He said as koneko narrowed her eyes at him in anger.

Koneko: "... why did you help her? She's a stray." She said with hatred.

Reach: "I would not allow anyone, ally or enemy, to suffer a death like that." He said narrowing his eyes as his anger rises.

Koneko: "... it still doesn't matter, she's a stray, we have to kill her!" She said with anger.

Reach: "and even if she was a stray, why didn't she attack us off the bat?! You told us that they would kill any human on sight, Why didn't she?!" He said with a little anger.

Koneko: "... she's probably waiting for the right moment to stab you in the back and get more power!" She said angrily before reach sighs with his head down.

Reach: "is. that. it?... is this what you thought when she killed your original master?" He said making koneko  lean back and shudder in shock and fear.

Koneko: "h-how?... how do you?-"

Reach: "kuroka told me about your past along with hers... so tell me koneko, was there any investigation on why she did it... or did you all just decide that it was just because she wanted power?" He said with a deadly stare while she looked straight into his eyes with fear.

Koneko: "... n-no... there was no investigation on why she did it..." she said truthfully making reach's anger rise.

Reach: "I cannot believe you... She is your sister for primus's sake! You're Both siblings that came from the same beings that gave birth to you, And instead on trying to find out why she did it or if she did it to protect someone, you just decided right then and there that your sister is a bad person?!" He shouted in anger as koneko looks at him in fear with tears forming in her eyes before reach looks away, sighing.

Reach: "... I-I once had someone who i considered a very close friend... he and I were great friends along with Orion and another Person... but one day... he got blamed for a crime he didn't commit... me, Orion and bee tried our best to save him... but when we finally proved his innocent's....... i-it was already to late..." he said in pain and sorrow in a broken tone while looking away from her with his head down in silence before a *DROP* was heard, showing that reach shedded a tear while koneko let his words sink in before she looked at him with widened eyes. what he just told her shocked her to the core, she thought that he had a hard past... but this was just a horrible thing to experience.

Koneko: "... reach... I..." she spoke in regret as reach held his hand up while he didn't look at her.

Reach: "I'm not mad koneko... I'm just deeply disappointed in you... but I've got a question for you koneko... will you try to find out what truly happened... or will you not?" He said before looking at her in grief.

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