Prologue (pt: 2)

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Right now the 8 were walking through on a path, explaining what they needed to get right now, such as: money, jobs, equipment, and food. Equipment to understand this world more than they know now. A hous so they can have a place of operations. Jobs to earn money to get food and more equipment than they have right now. This was gonna be a challenge, but they've faced worse, so they can overcome this with ease. 

Later, when they meet the end of the path, laserbeak screeched to get their attention, the move towards the crow until they were met with a large stone staircase, they hurry up the stairs before they slowed down, seeing an elderly man leaping down the stairs, with bruises and blood all over him, the man tripped over, But bee caught the man just in time and lean him against the wall.

Elder: "Thank you for catching my young man." He says as ratchet comes over with a med-kit and patches him up a bit.

Orion: "What happend to you?" He says narrowing his eye along with Tron.

Elder: "Those... damn city street punks did this to me..." he muttered before clutching his stomach in pain.

Reach: "easy, save your strength. What's your history with them?"

Elder: "they've took my old family dojo and ruined it, I try'd to fight them, but there were too many, I'm too old for this."

Stark: "why not call the authority's?" He said as the elder then glared at him but he remained unfazed.

Elder: "this is personal, they are members of the black blood lions, if I call the police, they'll kill my family." He said as Orion the started clutching his fist, seeing humans treating there own kind this way, made him angry beond belief, But was also proud of the man as well as tron, seeing him still go up against something, even if the ods were unfair, this also reminded them about how they went against they high councils corruption back on Cybertron.

Tron: "you really care for that dojo, don't you?"

Elder: "yes... I'd rather see it fall to the ground or burned than see those punks ruin it..." he say as then both Orion and Tron looked at each other and nodded before looking back at the elder.

Orion: "we all will help you take it back."

Elder: "WHAT!?"

Orion: "I said, we all will help you."

Elder: "but why?... this isn't your fight."

Orion: "we've seen what they've done to you, and that you have no way out, so we will help you, but can we have some help in return?"

Elder: " *studies their skills and fighting language and gives up* ... alright, thank you, but be careful! They have a 150 men!" He said as reach finished patching him up and they continued upwards.

Tron: "Thanks for the info." He said as they then continued until they reached their destination and hid behind some cover, looking over the area.

Reach: "this is the place, by the look of it the dojo has seen better days. What's our strategy?"

Stark: "logically, the best plan of attack is for someone to draw most of them out, as the rest sneak to the roof and then ambush them."

Reach: "I'll be that someone, i never imagined that they would hit an elderly, they need to see that actions, come with a cost." He says as he then walks to the front of the dojo while the rest sneaks onto the roof and were waiting for the right moment. The gang then notice him and most of them come and surround him.

"Look guys! Freash blood has arrived!" He said as the group chuckled.

Reach: "you know, it is not nice to hurt an unarmed medic."

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