Chapter: 3 (pt: 2)

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Sometime when stark was doing his job and before the call, don, reach, Akeno and koneko already finished their contracts and were now eating in the food court. Reach and don were surprised they only had to do small things. Akeno helped someone with English studies with don and koneko helped moving things around for someone along with reach. For the food they've got, reach got some fruit and vegetables along with a lollipop, don got a drink, Akeno got some salad, and koneko got sweets. (A/N: obviously, that's the only thing she ever eats! She needs a diet! *sees her with a giant bag full of things* or... maybe... not...) reach and don then notice her staring at them before going to get more sweets. The surveillance chief also wonders why she gave them a cold stare.

Akeno: "sorry about koneko. *they look at her.* she believes everyone in the school is a perv except for Kiba."

Reach: "don't worry don and I get it, we've seen the place full of them so we know how she feels." He says as don nods and gestures that he has a good point, making her giggle.

Akeno: " she knows that you aren't one but is still unsure reach. That's why she talks to you sometimes and smiles." She said making reach smile.

Akeno: "unfortunately, I can't speak for don. But.. * she scoots closer to don while bringing their faces closer as well while she gives a seductive stare.* I know you're not one and I must say you're quite a wierd and special being. Perhaps you can share some of your past with little old me?" She said. Don then gestures no before adding 'but you are pretty tho.' To it. Making the queen lose her composure for a second, with her face turning completely red. She then smirks which made don confused because he learned that girls get sad if a boy says no to them, but to Akeno, it was the complete opposite. He and the rest will never understand human behaviour. He then smothes Akeno's hair while she was hugging his other arm, Making him blush a little while she blushes even more.

Akeno: ara ara, such a tough exterior, so resisting, so straightforward, kind and charming~... I wonder what will happen if I break through that shell of yours, don-kun?

Reach was smiling at them, before being shocked because he saw don give her a quick kiss on her head, making Akeno shocked before smiling and hugging his entire body, while he still smothes her hair with his right arm, but now has his left arm around her waist, keeping her close to him. Reach then began to chuckle happily because half of don's emotions were nearly back, But they soon let go of eachother and looked serious while reach also became serious when they heard someone shout.

Random1: "watch where your going!" 

Random2: "watch it kid!" Said two aggravated voices which echoed through the court. The teens gazed at 2 tall men who were glaring down at who else but koneko.

Koneko: "sorry misters." She said in her usual voice. The 2 men glared down at her not accepting her apology making everyone look at them in disgust. Reach slowly rose up from his seat and don passed him his drink in a glass cup, reach looks at don nodding in thanks before walking over. Akeno was holding don's hand while wandering what reach is doing while don was on alert.

Random1: "you better you worthless filth!"

Reach: "HEY!!" He shouts causing everyone to look at him.

Random2: "What do you want kid!?"

Reach: "the both of you had no right to call her that! It was an accident, and instead of forgiving her, you disturbed everyone's peaceful meals and decided to call her worthless!?" He says causing koneko look at him with a shocked expression that he was standing up for her.

Random1: "so what?! She is!" He says causing reach to be silent for a second.

Reach: "... nobody is worthless... I know... I've seen countless deaths before my eyes as a medic, and some of the patients I've met before they died asked me this question: "am I worthless?". And I always answered with this: "no matter how much someone calls you worthless, or you think of yourself as one, your not. Everyone is worth something, they just need to know they are."." He says causing the entire court look at him in sadness and sympathy, including koneko. She saw the pain and sorrow in his eyes when he said that to the 2 men, she knew that since he was a medic, he's seen death infront of his very own eyes, and by hearing this, she and Akeno now know that every life he couldn't save, he feels greif on his shoulders for each one of them.

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