Chapter 1 (pt: 2)

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A couple of weeks pass since the school year started an a lot of things have happened to the group. At first they were nobody's there, but now they all are well known. The group rised up the ranks in just a few days earning them the nick-name of the 8 guardian knights. This originated from a movie and a video-game because they represent it. Orion represents wisdom, hope, and courage, Tron represents strength and anger, reach represents care and compassion, stark represents intelligence and quick thinking, bee represents agility, Don represents bravery, Trf represents kindness, speed, and rage and shino represents generosity, quick manoeuvring and accuracy.

Orion, Tron, bee, trf and shino proved their titles by going through one of the toughest obstacle courses and helping each other through it, making the world record on how quickly they finished it. After this they got invited to every sports club in the school, which angered most men. Bee tried out an obstacle course club where he managed to complete every single course without breaking a sweat, this caused everyone in the club to look up to him and also wanting him to teach them some moves. In the end he didn't join it but he did deside to come back some times to teach them some moves, and to practice his skills, which brought joy to everyone in the club, especially the girls.

Orion, Tron and tried all the clubs and had many victories, but their most noticeable one, along with Trf's, was at the kendo club. They invited them to see if they could know how do kendo, tho them it was just wielding a sword, but with more different rules. The said that they practiced swordsmanship before so it was much easier for the girls to explain the rules. Before the match began, they asked if they could use their stile of fighting, along with Orion and Trf using two swords to test their skills, which they accepted. Tron was the first one up and he Held his bokken in one hand Which made the girls curious, then one by one went up against him, and he took them down without braking a sweat. Trf then was the next one up, and he told them for one to come straight after the other one and no stopping, they did as he told them and he took them all out also without breaking a sweat. Finally, Orion was the one to come up, but he told everyone of them to come straight at him, they hesitated at first, but he then told them that if this were a real battle, every enemy will not hesitate to have everyone come straight at you. They then accepted this and they all went straight at him, but in the end, he came out victorious, and even did not brake a sweat. Seeing they all had potential, they told them their flaws and if they could overcome them, nothing could beat them. Orion also said some wise thing to them that would help them stop a fight without the need of using violence, trf also told them how to use two bokken sticks while also following the kendo's rules, which would be good for them to test new skills in the future. In the end, they didn't join any of the clubs, but they did say they would come back to train once in a while which brought joy to the girls.

Shino tried out a shooting club along with Trf who also wanted to try it out. They were both infront of a bunch of targets, people told them to pick easy wepons first, but shino went with the hardest sniper rifle in the world and Trf went with 2 of the most complicated pistols in the world. Trf was the first one up with both pistols, some men were laughing at this because nobody in the club could even have a bullseye with those two pistols, or even have accuracy, in the end he proved them wrong and got a bullseye on every single target, in the head, this caused the men to have there jaws hit the floor hand trf smile in satisfaction while hugging shino, which caused girls to squeal in happiness. Shino went next with her sniper in hand, and hit every bullseye quickly, which made some girls and guys impressed, in the end when she was done, one guy was angry and tried to shoot her hand with another sniper, but Trf saw this and then appeared by him and bent the gun barrel upwards while doing a deadly stare, making the man scared for his life before everyone noticed what was going on, Shino then calmed trf down before he dragged him to the headmaster, earning his rage title. In the end they didn't join, but decided to come there sometimes when they needed practice, which caused the club members to be happy. They were also known as the 'pervert busters' which they laughed at for a while, this was because they dealt with every pervert in the school, causing the pervs to get their ass kicked by shino and other girls, and sometimes Trf and some of their group.

Highschool DXD x Transformers Prime (with a Oc/male reader with another oc.)Where stories live. Discover now