Chapter: 2 (pt: 1)

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Inside a room in an old building by kuoh academy, rias and Sona, along Orion and Tron, were sitting on separate couches opposite each other, while the rest of their group were standing behind their leaders. Don told laserbeak to hide just in case something happenes.

Orion: "so? Are you all going to tell us who or what you all really are?" He demanded leaning forward clutching both hands into one fist.

Rias: "yes, but first answer this, why were you 8 at the shrine?" She said slowly becoming serious.

Tron: "stark and reach's instruments detected an unknown energy signature, so we decided to investigate it."

Sona: "how did you manage that?"

Stark: "reach and I created a scanning software that detects energy signatures which don't belong here."

Sona: "and what did you find?"

Stark: "some old technology that was thrown away, now it is destroyed thanks to that monster." He said but secretly, he managed to salvage the navigation system from the remains of the pod along with bee. They were now a step closer on building a space bridge. since this was an important part to make it work probably, otherwise the bridge will send them to random locations across the universe.

Sona: "hmmm... I see." She said unsurely, but for now, she'll accept the answer. As Akeno then comes in with cups of tea and placed them a cup of tea infront of rias,Sona and the group, she personally delivered a cup of tea to don with a smile. Ravage took a sniff and smelled nothing hazardous, and the group took a sip. And they were impressed with its flavour. The group then glimpse at don since they felt a different atmosphere around him, with closer inspection caught the attention of the rest. Tron then smirked.

Tron: "well done himejima. You accomplished a task so impossible, that would cause hell to freeze."

Akeno: "what did I do?"

Stark: "*points to don* you managed to get don to like something." He said as the rest were confused and turned to see Don who showed no expression or movement whatsoever.

???:"Are you sure? I can't tell."

Reach: "if you've known don for as long as we all have, you can tell. even if don is slowly regaining his emotions, the chance of him taking an interest in something is still under 1%."

Tron: "consider this a great honour and victory." He said before taking another sip. Akeno then walks over to don smiling with a her hand on her lightly blushing cheeks.

Akeno: "ara ara, hearing this makes me really happy. Perhaps we can hangout sometime Don-Kun? I can make you different types of tea." She says which don signed to her saying, 'I'll think about it' which causes her to do a pleasing giggle.

Kiba: "how can an emo get this close to Akeno-sempai alredy?" He muttered. But unfortunately for him, he then got pounced onto the flour, he then opens his eyes to see a ferocious jaguar glaring down at him along with a crow beside his face in fury.

Shino: "word of advice blonde, do not belittle don in front of our little friends. They will rip and tear you apart until nothing remains." She said a bit angry as well since she did see Don like an uncle to her.

Kiba: "I-I-I got it." He says. Trf then pats his knee, calling ravage and buzzsaw over to him and don. They did as they were told, but ravage gave one last Murderous glare at Kiba before standing beside don. Don then gave his cup of tea back to Akeno while making hand gestures saying 'thank you' making her smile, before kneeling down a rubbing the jaguar's ears while Trf smoved buzzsaw's neck. Sona then rubbed her temples and made a not to have a word with Kiba, while Trf put the crow back on don's left shoulder. Orion and Tron then put their cups down gently.

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