28.5. Announcement

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Hello loves,

Once again, I would really like to extend my appreciation to everyone who has supported my book in any way, be it through views, comments, votes or even adding this to any of their reading lists. I'm really grateful for every single one of you :) And I can't express this enough.

However, I'm writing this to announce that for a month I won't be posting updates. I'll still be active here, but Chapter 29 will probably only drop around early June. Chapter 28 was supposed to be longer, but I felt bad for leaving all of you without an update so I just decided to split it in half and post the other half as Chapter 29. I hope those of you who prefer Cyril are happy, hehe. I'm sure you'll love Chapter 29 too ;)

Anyway, that's all for now! And once again, thank you for all your support.

Lots of love, xoxo

- 5th May 2019

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