24. The Hand of Fatima

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All American Boys

Chapter 24: The Hand of Fatima

"Did you hear?" Emily said as we walked towards our lockers. "Aaron's father got sacked, and now there's an investigation."

"Oh," I replied. "I see."

"I'm sure you've already heard about it but showing a little interest in what I have to say would be nice," the young woman replied, rolling her eyes.

I only chuckled as I shook my head. Emily sure loved to talk, but honestly I wasn't really in the mood to gossip. I was worried about Isaac for the most part. His father was home for the better part of the week, and in light of recent events, he was most likely going to stay in Bethlehem longer. Hayden had cleared the administrative paperwork and gotten permission from his superiors for Isaac to stay with him, but it was Isaac who has been stalling. He was afraid. Afraid of antagonising his father any further. And just as I thought that we've finally found a way out for him, he was still trapped. Going to the authorities wasn't going to solve anything, the mayor was just going to protect Isaac's father from anything that he might get charged with – if the case even makes it to court, which most likely wouldn't even happen in the first place.

But at the same time, Isaac seemed hesitant. Saying things like how he 'couldn't just abandon his family' or things like that. I didn't understand. I wondered why Isaac cared about abusive father so much. That man had brought nothing but pain and misery for him. As long as his father was around, Isaac was going to continue suffering.

That despicable man on the other hand, seemed to be on a high lately, especially with the deposition of the Beauchamps. Aaron's father had been exposed for embezzlement in a nationwide anti-corruption campaign. There truly was no challenger on par with Richard Anderson now, in terms of influence over the mayor. With the Beauchamps out of the way, he managed to cement himself an indisputable influence with the mayor. He truly was greedy for power. In an interview with the news regarding the recent scandal, he talked with such excitement, stating how important it is for our little town to be run by honest men. Men who weren't corrupt. Men who were righteous. It was very rich coming from him, I suppose.

Hugh Crawford, on the other hand distanced himself away from the Beauchamps.

It was big news, honestly, and the whole town was talking about it. I wasn't going to say that I pitied Aaron or his dad, but I wouldn't deny that Crawford and Anderson really screwed him over. After all the police chief had done for them. But I suppose he got what he deserved.

Aaron no longer sat with us.

"Anyway," I said to Emily as we walked through the hallway. "How's Aaron taking it? Is he okay?"

"He told me how useless Cyril was," she replied. "About how he didn't want to get involved or whatever."

"And I'm sure he hates the Andersons even more now," I added.

"Oh, you can be sure about that," the girl replied. "Also, he seems to be blaming Shoshana for some reason."

"You think she has anything to do with it?" I asked.

Emily shook her head.

"I doubt it," she said. "But he accused her of scheming about it."

Well, it was plausible. Shoshana and Aaron weren't necessarily on good terms with each other, that I knew of. But even then, I doubt she would do it.

That was confirmed when I asked her when we talked towards the cafeteria together after our shared algebra class.

"As much as I dislike Aaron Beauchamp and am glad this happened to him," she said, giggling with a dainty hand over her mouth. "I had nothing to do with it."

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