49 - Freddie

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Freddie nodded, seeing how shocked I was.
I grunted "oh nooo, I have to go apologize!"
Freddie sucked in air through his teeth "I'd give him some time to cool off if I were you... we're still talking about Roger Taylor here. I don't want him wrecking our entire apartment".
I moaned and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow.
Freddie caressed my back in comfort "oh darling don't be afraid. I'm sure he'll forgive you. I mean- I called him an arrogant, childish fag once and he forgave me".
I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Now" Freddie said clearly, "no more moping around! What you wanna do, dear?"
"I don't know" I muffled in my pillow.
Freddie looked around and snatched up the magazine I had been reading "oooh, gossip" he cheered.

Moments later Freddie and I were looking through the pages, rating outfits and laughing with each other.
I pointed at one of the models "I like that one", "the girl or the outfit?" Freddie teased. "The outfit Fred" I rolled my eyes. Freddie shook his head and turned the page "beige isn't your colour, darling you're more of a spring".
"I'm a spring?" I laughed.
"Yes, yess" Freddie gestured with his hands "I'm more of a wintertype you see and Deaky, he is such an autumn!"
"So Brian is... summer?" I tried to keep up. "No no no" Freddie shook his head "Brian's more winter like me..."

We talked and laughed and gossiped about the bands outfits.
We didn't even look at the clock which was ticking the time away.

When we were eventually standing in front of my mirror, with me wearing a big floppy hat and Freddie trying to fit a miniskirt of mine over his thighs, my mom called from downstairs: "Helena, there's a friend of yours at the door, something about a science project".

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