19 - Spill it

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"Soooo?" Lilly crossed her legs, "tell me, how are things with Roger?"
I sighed and smiled "pretty great".
Lilly nudged me "are you guys, like, official?"

I nodded "he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes".
"So cute!" Lilly squealed "when did he ask?"
"On Saturday, the day I spent the night".
"You what?" Lilly sat straight up "did you guys...? Wait what?"

"What?" I chuckled, feeling my cheeks blush heavily.
"Did you and Roger..." Lilly wiggled her eyebrows at me.
I laughed and then slowly nodded.
"Oh my goooddd!" Lilly fell backwards, right off my bed. "Tell me everything! -You have to!" She demanded before I could protest.
I blushed even more but then started to talk.
"Well they were practicing at the bar and Roger was getting frustrated..."
Lilly waved her hand as if she already couldn't handle the heat.
I continued "and well, I don't know... when they took a break Rog brought me to his trailer, ya know..."
Lilly trampled her feet "ohmygod... did the others notice?!"
I bit my lip thinking back to that moment "yes... they noticed. Roger wasn't too... subtle about it".
Lilly laughed and squealed.
"You should've told me sooner!" She complained. "I'm sorry" I hushed "but I'm telling you now aren't I?"
"Yes, well okay..." Lilly said, but then she laid down on her back "c'mon tell me more Helena".
I dropped down next to her "what do you even wanna know?".
Lilly lifted her head up, resting on one elbow "are you kidding? Everything!".

"I was actually gonna visit Freddie and Roger today at their house. I'm sure you're welcome too". Lilly said looking at the clock.
"Oh, can I come?" I smiled.
"Yes of course you idiot" Lilly laughed as she grabbed my hand to pull me out of my room, "let's go now!".

It was a 15 minute walk to Freddies and Rogers.
When we were almost at their street I heard a voice behind me "Hey it's you!".

Smoke - RogerTaylor {mature}Where stories live. Discover now