32 - News

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"Hi baby!" I whispered. Rog smiled at me, his white teeth visible in the darkness.
He walked to the wall and grabbed the rainpipe. "What are you doing?" I asked concerned. "One sec, babe" Roger grunted, starting to climb up.
"Be careful! My god, Roger". I reached my hand out to him. He grabbed it and I helped him up but then he slipped.
I let out a muffled scream but Roger regained his balance and grinned up at me.
I rolled my eyes "don't scare me like that". While Roger came sitting next to me.
I hastily kissed him.  "I missed you" I whispered. Then I picked up my cig again and took a drag.
Roger looked at me "so that's what your lips tasted like!" He reached for the cigarette and I let him have it.
When he gave it back and I continued smoking he stared at me with this sense of awe.
"What?" I muffled, the stick still in my mouth "If you wanna lecture me about how unhealthy it is, you're a plain hypocrite".
"Noo" Roger hushed "you- you just, look really hot". I giggled and leaned my head on his chest while letting him take a couple drags again.

It was quite for a while
then Roger said

"Mary is pregnant".

I slowly sat upright and looked at him. My mouth fell open. "Oh, geez".
Roger thoughtfully stared into the night, blowing out the smoke "Fred's real stressed".
"What did he say? How did he tell you?" I asked.
Roger hissed through his teeth, "t'was quite the fiasco..."
He passed me the cig and started talking.
"Freddie came home from Mary and she had told him she was pregnant. He was sort of in shock when he came home. Brian was there too. Fred told us Mary was pregnant and at first Bri and I didn't know what to say. At least Fred's not angry with Brian anymore, he's got bigger things on his mind. And then Freddie started rambling about how his life was going to change and how he didn't know how to take care of a baby... Some more mugs and glasses didn't survive that rant...".

I threw the burnt up cigarette bud in the bushes "wow, he must be under a lot of pressure". Roger nodded. I looked at him "but why are you here then, Rog? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm really happy you're here but doesn't Freddie need a friend right now?"

Rog shook his head "no Mary came over, I was missing you already anyway, and thought I should give those two some time alone", I smirked "time alone for what? More babies?" Roger nudged me "hey that's not what I meant you fry" he chuckled, fiddling with his fingernails.

I could see that Roger was taking this pretty hard, he cared so much about Freddie, and Mary probably too. He was trying to hide it but I saw he was worrying. I gently pulled on his shoulder and let him rest his head in my lap. I slowly played with his wavy, blonde hair and softly dragged my fingertips over the outlines of his collarbones. He sighed and turned around on his back to face me. I gazed at his beautiful face for a second and then kissed him on his lips. He reached for my hand and in return placed a kiss on it "thank you, Helena"

"For what?"

"I don't know. For being there for me..."

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