6 - I'm NoT fUcKiNg DrUnK

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I felt warm, loose, happy and uhm horny. But mostly just happy.

The alcohol was running through my veins and even my vision was a tiny bit blurry.
After I chucked some scotch, Lilly pulled out more bottles and we all started drinking.
Brian, John and Freddie were over at the instruments. "I'll be back again before the prostitutes come out, I'll be lazing on a Sunday afternooooon!" Freddie sang, his speech slurred.
"You can't say that" Deaky laughed as he fell down almost on Freds lap. "It's got a nice ring to it" Brian giggled as he sat down besides Deaky.

Roger was sitting in the booth watching as Lilly and I were dancing, giggling and basically rolling around on the floor together. "I like lOve you Helena"
I laid my head on her stomach "nooo I love you!" I said. I didn't care if it was the scotch talking, Lilly was like so amazing and she needed to know.

"No I love you more"
"I love you moRe"
Lilly chuckled "I know who really loves you"
I looked confused.
Lilly moved her head towards the booth.

There sat Roger.
His legs spread on the couch, leaning back, his shirt completely open.
His eyes looked tired and drunk and his lips were red and glossy from drinking.
He looked at me.
Roger had dropped this whole avoiding-my-eyes-thing after his fifth drink. But I still hadn't talked to him.
Lilly pushed me towards him "come on, go" she whispered.
I got up, my head started spinning, my knees wobbled. Little stars appeared in front of my eyes.
My legs were about to give in but I felt two strong arms grab a hold of me. "Eeeasy there" Roger hushed.
I looked at him and giggled.
I was so glad he had stopped avoiding me.
"Sorry I just uhmm" I said closing my eyes and laying my forehead in the crevice of his bare neck. I was aware that I would never do this sober but I didn't care, I didn't care about anything. I just

I just wanted to be with him.

I guess I had found out I liked him.
I really liked him.

"Are you allowed to be this drunk on a school night?" Roger smirked while lifting up my chin.
I protested "I'm not fucking drunk!"

"I see..." Roger chuckled "so you'll be fine standing on your own then?"
I frowned, immediately let go of him and tried to turn around "I'll show you who's-"
I stumbled and fell into his arms again, my back to his chest.
He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
"A little tipsy maybe..." I pouted.
"I've got you" Roger said laying his chin on my head.

Smoke - RogerTaylor {mature}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ