We Have to Escape.

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Chapter 26

*Chase's POV*

I went straight to Jaycie as I noticed it burning her skin.

"Don't you worry; I'll get you out of those in a few minutes. I promise." I said as I grabbed her face as one of her eyes shed a tear. She was whimpering a little but she nodded. I went to Talon as I gave him a key.

"How'd you get that?" He asked surprised.

I scoffed.

"Had you not listened to our conversation in the car or, are all of you in denial that I am super cool and that I am a spy?" I asked.

I heard Morse scoff.

"I'm in total denial. You're too stupid."

"Says the guy who has an F in Art. It was art right?" I asked annoyed at him for calling me stupid.

"Hey! We both said we wouldn't talk about that and she keeps saying I am stealing someone else's work when I'm not!" Morse said.

"How the hell are you failing art? We've been in school for two months!" Talon said.

"Speak for yourselves." I said.

"You practically don't even have to go to school! Almost all the teachers will give you an A+!" Morse said.

"Guys!" Jaycie called out. We all looked at her and she glared making all of us flinch. "Can we please focus? My mom barely has energy and we need to get ourselves and Daniella out of here."

"Why is Daniella coming with us?" Talon asked surprised.

"Daniella is my sister." She said.

Talon's mouth dropped as he heard this.

"Daniella, as in the guys daughter? As in the girl that kidnapped us? She's your sister?! When were you going to tell me this?" He asked.

"I just found out! How could I have told you?"

"Can't you see the future? You're always winning bets and guessing who the killer is just like how Velma guesses who the people are behind those dumb masks."

"No I can't, but Velma and I are similar in the sense that we are both intelligent. Sadly though, I am shown more like Daphne being the damsel in distress. Now can we please get these off?" She asked scratching the skin surrounded by the chain. "It's burning me a lot. I didn't think I would need a long sleeve shirt today."

"They are coming. Although, the people here, they had someone that was on the inside over at my agency, his name is Cain, at least his known name is Cain." I said. "His brother is the guy that you saw 'kill' your mom. He was the assistant to General Leon and General Esperon."

"You mean Skull's father?" Mrs. Everheart asked.


"General Esperon, his son is Skull. Didn't you know?"

"Skull's last name is not Esperon. It's Jackson." I said confused.

"You don't know your best friend's father and mother?" Jaycie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I only know his mother which is Ms. Jackson. He says he has a sister and her name is..." That's when the dots connected. "That son of a bitch..."

Morse was shaking his head face-palming himself and Talon was lost. Jaycie and her mom were confused.

"I see why he never lets me in his house now. His dad hates me. I'm going to kill Skull. He told me his dad was in another state for work this whole month! That asshole! When I get my hands on him, I am going to strangle him."

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