My Day In A Nightmare

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Chapter 20

*Jaycie's POV*

I had woken up in the hospital room. I looked around hoping it was just a nightmare, but it isn't. This is a real life situation in a place that I think is a nightmare. I really don't want to be here. Looking at the people in the seats I see Dad, Paul, Chase, Xander, Tania, Thalia, Morse, and Justin. I started to panic though. I don't want to be here.

"Dad, Dad. Wake-up, please." I said as I was breathing hard.

I was highly afraid of hospitals. Justin and Chase automatically woke-up. Justin stood up quickly and Chase as well. They both came over.

"Hey, hey, hey Jaycie, it's alright." Chase said.

I shook my head no.

"No, it's not. Dad wake up." I cried.

"Jaycie, we tried to get you to be nursed at home, but they won't let us let you. Right now I need you to breath slowly. You can do it. Just breath in and out."

I tried to breath. I tried slowly breathing.

"That's it sis. There you go." Justin said as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"You'll be out of here, I'll get you out of here. I promise, I'll do it right now." He said and kissed me on my temple.

"What is he doing?" Paul asked.

Then he saw that I was awake. He started to wake Dad.

"Dad, Jay's awake. Wake-up you old lug. She's panicking."

Dad woke up automatically.

"I tried Jaycie, I really tried Jaycie. They wouldn't let me. They said that you can't be moved from here to the house."

I just nodded as I hugged Justin as he was the closest one to me. He hugged me and tried to make me feel better.


*Chase's POV*

I walked out of the room as soon as I kissed Jaycie on her forehead. I brought my phone out immediately after. I opened my phone starting to call my mom. After the second ring she answered me. I didn't let her have time to answer her phone as I hurriedly asked her my question.

"Mom, please get me permission for Jaycie to be nursed at home." Maybe that was a bit more of a statement.

"Why, what's going on?" Mom asked me.

"Jaycie just had a panic attack and it isn't helping that doctors are trying to calm her down. It's just making it worst for her. Her dad is trying to get rid of them with her friends. I need that permission ASAP, Mom."

"Alright, I'll talk to you soon. It will only take five minutes." Mom says.

I say an okay and hang up. I go back to the room and yell out for everyone to shut up. They all look at me. I glare at all the doctors.

"You who are not family or friends get out now." I start to only be interrupted.

"Who the heck do you think you are?" The female doctor asked.

"Why don't we get outside and discuss that? I bet you 20 bucks that I can get you to stay out of this room." I say.

"Lets see if you can kid." She said again.

"Alright all nurses and doctors or anyone that has a job at this hospital get out and I can tell you how I'll be going home with 20 bucks from each and every single one of you." I said smugly.

They all did come out and I brought out 20 bucks and they did the same thing as me and put it on the chair outside the room. I sat down and waited as it took me three minutes to get them out. She was about to say something until I shushed her. I heard my mom's heels clicking as she rounded I slapped the people that reached for the money. Mom came over and asked them if they were the doctors for Jaycie. They nodded and I started to gather the twenties. My mom explained how she has some paperwork to get her nursed at home and it is filed out and had General Leon sign it as well.

"Thanks for taking part of the bet and now you all here now are not to go anywhere near the room that I just took you out of." Then I said lowly for them, "Otherwise I won't hesitate to arrest you."

I showed them my badge really quick and went back in. I let my mom come in and she shut the door and went to calm Mr. Everheart and Paul. I went to Jaycie and did my best to calm her.

"I've got great news Jaycie. You just need to calm down though. You don't need to cry any more okay." I said as I wiped her tears away. She grabbed my arms and nodded with her eyes closed. She and I had our foreheads together. I shushed her and she sucked in a breath. "You ready to hear the good news?"

She nodded to me.

"Yeah." She just barely said.

"Look at me. I want to tell you with you looking at me." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled at her and said, "We're taking you home... I know someone who is willing to nurse you at your house." I said holding her face.

She looked at me with joy in her eyes. She grabbed onto me and hugged me. She kissed my neck multiple times thanking me. I was shocked but I hugged her back with a smile.

"Enough, lets get my patient to her house." The doctor I was talking about said. "I am Doctor Fred Hendrickson. Lets take you to your home. Also if she is to go to school, I will be available at the school as well. I will go anywhere where you go, but I highly recommend that you stay home for most of the time while you are hurt."

She nodded and we started to get her ready. I noticed we didn't have any real clothes to cover her completely so I started to unbutton my shirt. They were looking at me weirdly and asking me what I was doing. I just ignored them and took my button up shirt off. I handed it to Jaycie and she turned a bit red.

"Oh, uh, um, thank you, Chase." She said and we all looked away.

She started to change and when she was ready she told us. Doctor Hendrickson then got all the needed medicine's and many other things from the people he had to see. We patiently waited for him in the waiting room, although Paul made Jaycie and me to keep a very far distance from one another. It was annoying, but I got a phone call that I had to take. In the end her father sat next to her in the car and made Paul and I get separate cars from each other and Jaycie. I got mad, but it was for the best for now. I just hope she'll be fine.


Hey ya'll!

How are you guys today? I'm finally updating and I'll try to update sooner, but that might not happen as much during this month. I am in summer school and I am with a vacation at my home in Hawaii with my dad. He's kind of not okay with me being cooped up in the house on a laptop or on my iPod or any electronics really. He wants to spend time with his daughter that he rarely sees. Also the last two weeks of this month I'll still have summer school, but I'll be with my mom. I really want to spend time with them so yeah updates will be slow. This might even be the only update I do this month, sorry 'bout that.

Anyways enough with my summer! Lets talk about books! I had just read this book on Wattpad called Dear Dylan and absolutely loved it! It wasn't so long or to short but for the book itself it was just right! The writer is transloucent. This chapter here is dedicated to her and her book Dear Dylan. Go check her out people!

-Jayla :)

P.S.: Happy Fourth of July to all that read this! Just a few more hours til Fourth of July! Also Happy Birthday to anyone who has their birthday tomorrow or today, my step brothers birthday is tomorrow so Happy Birthday to him! Well, nice typin to ya'll! Have a great one!

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