Spending time.

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Chapter 12

*Jaycie's POV*

"Where are you taking me, Daddy?" I asked with excitement.

I was looking around as we passed by stores and a few houses here and there. Everything was going by slowly as I looked at it. Dad was most likely only going at 9 or something.

"For now, the mall. We'll go around a few stores. I heard that there was a dance in a few days so I made Paul buy you and himself a ticket. It's going to be your 2nd homecoming dance. I know you don't like dances and dresses, but I want to let you have some fun." Dad tells me.

"I guess I'll go. At least can I have flats or new converse boots?" I asked facing him with a look of hope.

He chuckled.

"Maybe. It all depends on what dress." He says.

I sat back making one of my weird looking curious faces. It's not entirely my fault that they are weird looking just to let you know. It just happens. Anyways! I think about a dress. What kind of dress do I want?

We make it to the mall in 30 seconds. Well, we do live pretty close to the mall. We climb out of the car and head in. Dad heads to the grocery store to get us some snacks before we go. He got us some Gatorade and gummies that are of Scooby-Doo!!! Another reason I love my dad. He knows me so well.

I automatically grabbed gushers and fruit roll-ups as well. He grinned. That means he approves. I smiled a big smile and we bought it. It's a good thing I did bring my backpack. I hate how I don't have pockets so I always bring a backpack. I hate purses with a deep passion if you were wondering why I don't have a purse. We stuffed the food in my bag after Dad paid and we went to the walkway to look at what stores there are.

We saw one store that had something and we went into Forever 21. We looked at their dresses. Dad and I didn't like the dresses. One, Dad didn't like how short they were and two, I didn't think it was a good dress for the theme. They didn't have any blue dresses. The theme was a night under the stars.

"Jaycie, what store do you want to try next?" Dad asks then puts gummies into his mouth. I did the same as I looked around. I went to this one store I didn't even look at the store name as Dad and I went in. We looked around a little, but I just looked through the racks aimlessly.

"Hello, I am Misty. May I help you with anything?" A lady asked.

I looked up and smiled a shy smile. She, of course, had a smile as well. She had bright blue eyes. Her light brown hair was half up and half down. The hair that was down was curled while the rest was put into a braid. Her light skin was clear of blemishes and pimples. It glowed with a happy tint as well. She was wearing black and white converse with black skinny jeans. Her shirt was a nice blue that brought out her light blue eyes.

"Yes, you can help us." My dad replied for me. "We are looking for a dress for her homecoming dance. The theme is 'Night under the Stars.' Do you have any suggestions?"

She smiled.

"I think I have a dress that would be great for that theme. Why don't you follow me to the dressing rooms and I'll go to the back and get the dresses." Misty replied.

"Alright. Thank you." Dad replied.

We walked away and I waited.

"Jaycie. You know you are going to have to get used to talking to people right?" Dad asked with an amused face as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I know, Dad. Don't judge that I am still shy. I'll get rid of it soon." I replied.

He nodded still amused.

"Alright," Misty said bringing some dresses over. "Here we go."

I looked over and saw a variety of dresses.

"Why don't you go try these on?" Dad asked counting the dresses seeing she brought eight.

I nod. I pick up the dresses and put them in the dressing room that was closest. I took off my shoes and was glad I just had my plain black and white converse. I put them next to my dad as I was grateful that they had carpets, as it was making my feet cool instead of the cold floor that it might have been. I took my shirt and pants off taking the first dress off the hanger and putting it on. I walked out and showed them.

"Does it fit well?" Misty asked.

"It does," I answered with a smile.

"Hmm. Well, I don't see anything bad about it. Except that boys will see your legs too much." I chuckled at Dad and rolled my eyes.

"I'll look at the others, Daddy. I'll be right back." I tell him after looking at the white dress.

He nodded and I went back in.


*Derrick's POV*

"So, why are you here with her?" Misty asked.

"I got a day off. Besides her brothers, she has me. I wanted to spend some time with her." I replied to Misty with a smile.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"It's completely fine. You don't need to apologize, Misty." I replied.

"Okay! Here I come." Jaycie announces.

She came out and she was wearing a red dress, but the dress itself reminded me of that one top she had made fun of that one time. It was a nice color, of course, it was just the design that she made fun of. That's what this dress reminded me of. She was looking at it weirdly.

"How about we try a different dress?" Misty suggests as she laughed a little at Jaycie's expression. "I can tell you don't like that one."

I looked at her. She had a face. I started to laugh and she nods with wide eyes.

"I'm going back!" She states in a rush.

I tried to not laugh so hard. She ran back in and I just shut my trap. She tried another dress that had flowers on it. I looked at it and it looked nice. It was at knee length and it looked decent and better than the other ones.

"I think this will be fine, but let's see the others." She says more to herself than us.

Misty and I smiled at her and nodded. After she went back in, I was talking to Misty once again. She and I were talking about the pack since we knew we were both werewolves. She says that she tries to mask her scent for practice and just in case any rogues come and I nodded. She and I went on to her daily life and how she got this job. Apparently, a friend had helped her get this job. She was apparently "Forever Available" in her words. Also, she was a Delta's daughter. I was truly surprised that she was working here. She said that her friends and her have quite a few jobs and that they are saving money. Also, they were in the werewolf college here.

"Ahem," Jaycie jokingly cleared her throat. "How is this one?"

We turned our attention to her and I have to say, my daughter looked pretty in the dress she was wearing now. It even fit the theme. Her eyes were looking at the dress as she smiled an elegant smile. She looked at my shocked face and Misty's. She cocked her head with a frown.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look bad?" She asked and I was about to say something since I didn't like the last question.

"No, they think you look wonderful, Jaycie. Derrick, may I talk to you for a few seconds and Misty may you help Jaycie pick out a few more dresses as she will be needing them. Also Jaycie, sweetie. You are buying that dress. It makes you look great." Luna said.

We bowed our heads and Jaycie said thank you in a formal and polite way like her mother taught her and I said that I will talk to her now and we went to the side to talk.


Hey, ya'll!

I'm so sorry that this update is late and short and all. Most my updates are at random times and I apologize. I would have made it longer, but my internet sucks today! Again, I apologize for that.

Have an awesometastic day!


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