Police stations. Enough said.

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Dylan Patton as Alexander


Chapter 7

*Alexander's POV*

I guess he accepted the fact that it isn't my fault that I was born and decided to be in the same car as me. He also told Tessa, his mate, to go and stay with Chelsea to help her stay calm.

"Look, Alex, right?" He asks.

"Alex, Alexander, whichever," I answer nonchalantly with a shrug.

"Okay, Alex. Was your mom a wolf?" He asked.

"No. She was a human." I replied.

"Did she know that he might have been a wolf?" He asked.

"No Paul. My mother didn't. She just fell in love with your Dad. That's all."

"He's our Dad. I'm not mad at the fact that he's your father as well, I'm mainly mad at the fact that our grandparents that were Beta's kept his life as a secret. If he knew sure he might have still had you, but he would have known that he had a mate to wait for." He says.

"If. Let's not reminisce in OUR father's past. I think we should just get to the fact that your sister is in the police station, and if she has a temper like I do at times, then we should hurry. If we're lucky than they could be making her wait." I tell him and he nodded.

"Whether you like her or not, she's now our sister. Hold on and listen in." He says as he linked me into his mind link.

'Paul. These people are stupid. They thought I killed the vampire, but he woke up and almost took someone's blood had I not interrupted and kicked his ugly face.' I'm guessing Jaycie grumbles.

'Jaycie? Have they asked you questions yet?'

'Yeah. Detective Beckett asked me questions!'

'Why is she excited about that?' I asked.

'Wow, who's the dude?' She asked.

'That's someone who you'll meet in a little. Say hi to Alex.' Paul explains.

'Hey Alex! Oh, so you must have heard my first comment too. Oh well, you're a wolf anyways. Also, I was excited because I love the show Castle! They even have the same room as the show, the mirror, everything! It's cool!' She exclaims in excitement and adoration.

I chuckled at her and I saw from the corner of my eye that Paul was shaking his head.

'Jaycie, I really don't understand you.'

'Why would you? Anyways, I did get questioned. Why?'

'Did anything bad happen? Like you switched moods and shifted?' Paul asked.

'Of course not! I'm not stupid. The others are fine. They aren't getting angry or anything. I'm listening in on their conversation.' She reassures.

"That's good," I say to Paul.

He nodded.

'We're on our way. We have just a few minutes till we're there.' Paul told her.

'If you give me the directions we'll be there in two or maybe even less..' I smirked while saying that.

He, of course, told me the directions. I look at the speed limit and saw that it was 80. I grinned. Yup, two minutes. I started to accelerate. We actually started to go ahead of Greg. He caught up and rolled down the window and I did the same.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"Driving! See ya'll there!" I said with a wave, I then drove ahead and went to the station.

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