Brotherly Love

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so Jake T Austin is Paul!

Is it just me or do you guys think Jake T Austin is FIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEE?!?

*cough cough* Well, Excuse me. I think my weirdness is showing too much, don't worry I'll tune it down a bit like Fat Amy did in Pitch Perfect 2. :')


Chapter 4

*Paul's POV*

I knew I should be with my sister, but I had to go check something out. My friend had wanted to see me for some reason. I would have questioned him if he hadn't hung up on me. That ass. Even though he was being a dumbass, I waited for him to get here. I stood by the library as I looked down the hallways for him.For some unknown reason, the library was closed and that is where he wanted to meet me at.

"There you are." My Future Alpha exclaims. "You ready to meet the Future Alpha and Beta that we are trying to get a peace treaty with?"

"I guess I am, but I don't understand why I am here Greg," I say with a frown to him.

All he did was grin. His grin was a huge face-splitting grin. He grabbed my shoulders making me raise an eyebrow at him. His light green eyes were shining a happy glow as he looked at me. I glared right at him thinking this might be bad. Sure I was getting a good vibe, but Greg can make it seem like it's something good when it is actually a natural disaster that he caused.

"What the hell did you do? You better not have brought my sister into something that you did. If you did so help me..."

"No! Paul, no I didn't." Greg laughed.

"Then what?" I had asked him now confused.

"I was going to save this for your birthday since it's in a few weeks and all, but I need my future Beta with me. He needs to be by my side when the future Alpha and Beta from the other pack gets here." He says.

I looked around looking for someone else to come here. When I saw that we were alone, I was still confused. It can't be me, so where is the person he is talking about? Who the hell is he talking about?

"Greg, who the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"You, you airhead!" He exclaims as he pats my back harshly. I ignore the sudden pat and make a face.

"Greg, stop messing around you douche bag. Who is it?" I asked him obviously not believing in him.

"I chose you, Paul. You. Are. My. Beta. You knucklehead. I want YOU as my Beta. You have Beta blood in you so it's totally fine. Plus, you are an annoyingly, great best friend. We've known each other and stuck as bro's since we were in elementary, probably even longer than that! Our families have known each other since your dad came here in High School! Paul, I chose you since our siblings get along! Your sister with my pain in the ass brother and sister, are amazing friends! Which is another reason why I chose you.

So let's just cut to the chase, Paul. Do you, Paul Greyson Everheart, accept the title as my future Beta? Will you support and protect this pack with the many human families that live on my territory with all your strength? Will you be my future Beta till your or my dying breath?" Greg finished.

I was shocked at what I was hearing. Slowly, I smiled at him. My grin was as ear splitting as his. I started to nod at him, but formally accept his request as Beta.

"I, Paul Greyson Everheart, accept to be your future Beta and protect this pack till my or your last dying breath." Bringing him into a headlock I added, "But you won't die and neither will I because I have bad ass ninja skills!" I exclaim as I was giving him a nuggie. He and I started to wrestle each other laughing as we either got pinned or was trying to get unpinned. It had been 5 minutes when someone cleared their throat to get us to stop. Greg and I got up while laughing at each other.

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