My Mom Is Alive.

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Chapter 25

*Jaycie's POV*

I had looked around after they took the bag off of my head. I didn't look around I just glared at the person in front of me. It was someone new. They looked down and smiled. They bent down looking at me.

"So you must be little Jaycie. The little precious trash that came with my soon to be wife and her man-whore."

I continued to glare as I spat at him.

"My mom never loved you and she never will! My father is more of a better man than you will ever be!" I growled.

He wiped the spit off and looked at me. He continued on, ignoring my comments.

"You've met your half sister Daniella. You two are some what alike."

I'm confused now. What are they talking about? Mom would of never left her... Then that's when I remembered.

~9 years old~

I was cleaning my little area as my parents and brother were talking. They had told me nicely to play or do whatever I wanted. I didn't know what to do but they also said that I could not go into the living room. I just sat down as soon as I was done cleaning the Lego's my brother and I were messing with. I decided to get my paper and pencil and draw. Just as I was in the middle of my drawing mom comes in the room. She sits down on the other side of the table.

"Jaycie sweetie, may I talk to you baby."

"Sure mommy." I say stopping my drawing and looking at her. She had a small sad smile but she looked at me with a bit of happy eyes that were filled with tears yet she seemed really sad. She had stayed quiet for a few moments until she finally started to talk.

"Jaycie, what would you do if I told you, you had an older sister?"

"I would be kind of happy, but I would hope she is nice, like you mommy. I would want to be one of her best friends like you and I are." I said looking at her with a happy face. "I would tell her she's pretty like you tell me and I would tell her to stop putting a mask on like you do with all of that weird stuff in your bathroom.

She smiled with a light laugh.

"You mean make-up?"

"I'm sorry that is not in my vocabulary." I looked around and whispered. "Paul told me to say that every time someone brought those words up. He says I don't need that junk on my face."

She shook her head with a tinge of a frown.

"Of course he did." She said.

"Is it bad mommy?"

"No baby, it's not. It's just...." She sighed as she took a moment before she went on. "Baby, your father and brother know about this because I just told them. I had talked about this to them earlier only your father knew about this before we had either of you. I just wanted to tell you that you do have an older sister. Only her real dad took her from me baby. I tried to take her home with us only her daddy had taken her away from me."

Mommy looks sad. I frowned at that. I hugged her tight as I said, "It's okay mommy. You'll find her someday. We will get her home. We will get her home safely soon mommy. Everything happens for a reason is what Ms. Irene told me." I said touching her hand she smiled a bit teary as she chuckled.

"I hope so, I really hope so baby girl. Ms. Irene tells me that all the time too."


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