Another Car Chase

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Chapter 19

*Tessa's POV*

As we finally got to the car and put our things in I saw something in the corner of my eye and looked to see a car driving haphazardly.

"Jaycie get inside the car." I said and looked at her.

Only her eyes were wide and she was looking at the car. That's when I understood what this was. I looked back to see them coming to this lane and so I pushed her to the door and she got in as I did. I hurriedly turned the car on and backed out. Jaycie puts her seat belt on as I floored it. We speed out and I get my phone out and hand it to her.

"Call Chasten and Lakyn. After that link your Alpha. Understand?" I just barely saw her nod her head as I was driving also haphazardly.

I tried to look for a quick get away and saw that there was a detour. So I went down that way and found a back exit and took a U-turn. I had no real idea where I was going I just knew to get away from that speeding car. She then started to tell me where to go.

"Turn to your right. Go straight until you get where Wal-mart is. Once you see it take the turn to the left side. Then go all the way to the forest." She said.

"Why the forest exactly?"

"I have an idea. I just need to be in wolf form." She said.

"What? No!"

"Tessa do it now! They haven't seen me in wolf form before, I think. I can't exactly remember, but even then I can make it to where I am going safely. I have a few people who said if we ever need help go straight to them. I need to be in wolf form to pass through the portal. I can't be in human form because my wolf is stronger and I will smell like them. I swear it is so hard to get their stench off. I try so hard to cover that thing and drench myself with perfume as it gives off that hoared smell. If I am in wolf form they won't be able to see it and think I'm an enemy. You have to trust me." She said as I took the right and went straight.

"Jaycie I'm going with you no matter what. You understand?"

"I do, just don't tell my dad." I laughed at her.

"Of course not just don't tell my mate, then we'll be even."

"No kidding. I wasn't going to tell him anyway. That would be asking to commit suicide right then and there." She said calling Chasten's cell.

"Well while we are at this then lets tell each other about ourselves."

"I thought we did that in the mall?"

"We did, but lets add on to that. I'm adding how I have always wanted to drive like this." I said with a sloppy smile as I kept driving going on the left side of the road to get to the turn. We were almost to the turn as she responded.

"I've always wanted to have a day without any trouble at all, yet that will never happen any more then it has in my teenage life." She said.

"Oh stop trying to live a boring life."

"I've had a life full of dangerous events, been kidnapped more than once, lived under the radar to try and get home, hid in under water tunnels when mermaids saved my life,lets see should I go on and say that I was mistaken for royalty and someone kidnapped me yet again and they are still looking for me?" I was completely speechless.

"Dang that's awesome. I mean the mermaid part and mistaken for royalty part. Not the kidnapping and trying to get home part."

"Understand why I just want to try and live a boring life now?"

"I do."

"Hello?" Chasten answered over the phone.

"Chasten! Hey! It's Jaycie. Uhh, Tessa and I are somewhat in trouble. We're being chased by them."

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