Today is the Day

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Hey everyone!

This story is getting a dedication! This dedication goes too! *drumroll*





It goes to Taylor_Day specifically because they have been awesome to vote on my story, and so another thank you to you Taylor_Day! Don't stop being awesome!





Love ya'll

-Jayla :)


Chapter 23

*Chase's POV*

Yesterday after the phone call that I had with General Leon, I had to meet him today. Only, I would have to see him for a few moments, he wanted an update on my case. At the meeting my mom, General Leon and General Esperon will be attending to hear the information I have today. Speaking of today, today is the day I would also take Jaycie out to the diner. I really wanted to know who she had dated. I am also wondering if she knows where her mother's pack lives...

My mom starts to snap her fingers in my face and I jump back to reality. I look at my mom. She gives me a look that asks me 'What are you thinking about?' I smile at my mom and dad as I am at home eating breakfast. My brother just came down and my sister is at the refrigerator getting a drink.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I guess I am zoning out a bit." I said although it has became a habit to do in the mornings ever since I saw Jaycie. I just can't believe she's back and she's my girlfriend.

"What's going on with you? You've been zoning out a lot now a days. You are usually on alert." Mom says curiously.

"It's been going on ever since Jaycie came back, Mom. Haven't you noticed?" Clara said with a smug look.

"Shut up, Clara." I said as I continued to eat.

"Chase, do you remember how I told you not to make any case a personal case?"

"Yes I do, Mom. Although the faster I gain her trust the better, right? Being her boyfriend is one of the ways to gain her trust, although I know your next question. 'Are you really doing it to gain her trust?' I can certainly say it isn't completely to gain her trust nor is it for the case itself." I said.

"Then what are you doing it for?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am her boyfriend because I want to be and because I really do like her. I've actually liked her for a long time, which is why I said at first that I shouldn't be a part of this. Although, I am glad that I am, because she wouldn't have done it if it was any one else that you told to do it. She wouldn't have told Clara or Tyler, she wouldn't have told Gabrielle or anyone else." I said.

"Why do you think that?" Clara asks with a frown.

"I think that only because she's shy. I know Jaycie well enough to know that about her. She seems outgoing, but she is more shy than outgoing. She is only comfortable around her friends." I said.

"Well, did you get any information out of her? Like do you know who killed her mother?" She asked.

"Yes, he was the guy from the school and the guy that she took down to protect Detective Beckett's friend that time when we all had to go to the police station." I said.

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