Trouble is everywhere.

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Lakyn is Spencer Boldman


Chapter 5

*Jaycie's POV*

"So...what did you do this time?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I crossed my arms and walked by Justin.

"Okay, first, it was their idea. Secondly, I was just trying to have fun. Last but not least, let me just introduce them to you first."

I sighed but nodded.

"Lakyn, I am Beta Lakyn Preston of Chasten's pack."

"What pack is that?" I asked.

"Blood Moon Pack. My brother gave up the role to me. He said he'd be happy to be in another pack and live with her. Her being Justin's sister Lily."

"Well, I am glad for her. Also for you and your brother." I tell them with a big smile.

"Hey Chasten?"

"Yeah?" He replied to Morse.

"Doesn't it mean that the two packs are at peace since your brother is a mate to Justin's older sister and they are a part of this pack?" Morse asked.

"While that is usually the case, our fathers thought that it would be great to just let the future Alphas' have a real meeting and make agreements. Although, they do that anyways to make sure one pack doesn't cross over the other packs' boundaries and cause a war between the two." Chasten explains.

"Wow. That's awesome to know." I replied and they all smiled.

"Now, Justin, why don't you explain everything while you were over on their territory?" Morse responded, giving him a huge grin.

"Right...." Justin says while stretching the word out. "We were playing around with a bike. In the end, we crashed it and the handle broke off. Then I left to come back here."

I started to laugh aloud with Morse.

"You're so stupid, Justin," Morse laughs with a big smile.

"It wasn't my idea! It was theirs!" Justin pouted.

"Whatever you say," I tease with a shake of my head. We were by the doors. I looked over to freeze. Oh no. They rang the buzzer.

"NO! DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled.

It was too late, though. They gained access and took out their knives. I growled and shifted then and there. I snarled at them while Justin and Morse were confused until they smelt the stench of rogues. They all shifted and I was ready.

"Boys get the she-wolf!" The mastermind of it all exclaims.

'You want me? Come and get me.' I growled into his head as I pounced him. I bit his hand and he dropped the knife. I shifted back to my human form. I had ripped part of my shirt off and grabbed the knife. I stabbed his leg and then his arm to make sure he didn't go anywhere.

Getting up, I see the boys had done the same thing as I had done, but they were just fighting them and trying to knock them out. They weren't trying to kill them like I would have if my wolf was in control. I hear someone on my side and I was going to knock them out had Chase not tackled them from the side. He punched him and I came to the side. I kicked the guy upside the head. He was then in shock and didn't move.

Chase was astounded of what I had just done. I looked up and saw another guy coming after us. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up against the wall that was actually the pillar. I had growled at him noticing it was the guy I had stabbed. He had winced as I rammed him into the wall.

My Mate Is A Spy?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon