Going Home

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Chapter 32

*Chase's POV*

I had a horrible feeling in my gut. Then I felt like I was being attacked. My eyes were wide and I tried to get something off my legs. What the hell is going on?!? I was panicking as I thought I saw some rope of some kind on my legs. It was like I was being taken again by someone that wanted me dead.

"Wha-what's on my leg! Get it off! Get off!" I was panicking as I yelled out.

When people were coming in all I could see is the creepy dudes that try to go after me. The room also changed. The room was once an office room and Tania and Skull were here, but now it was a room with cracks in it. It was a faded white and nothing was in here besides a chair.

Before being in here I felt that I was tackled out of my chair which would explain why I am on the concrete floor. Did I mention that I was tackled and was now on a concrete floor? I had hit my head but not too hard. I was bleeding, sure, but at least I am conscious. I start to remember what was now happening.

I punch a few of them and they tumble back. I grab my knife and cut the rope. I jump up and run out the room. Once I get out I remember this place. Shit! I am somewhere where people want me dead. This is one of the deadliest drug lords hiding spot...in Europe! The people follow me and I make sure I throw things at them even if it is heavy as hell. I run into a room and notice that the drug lord was having... Yeah with someone so I automatically run out cursing at myself. That's nasty!

I get between two people, dodging them both when they just noticed. They collided into one another and fell but the others were still after me. I was running and running when I saw someone very familiar. They tackled me and I groaned expecting to hit the concrete floor to only hit carpet.

Looking to my side I see Daniella. I look around and see I am back to my office. Only I also see black spots in my vision. Getting up she stops me.

"Don't stand you idiot! You'll faint." She said glaring at me.

I waved a hand at her as I stood and groaned. I started to walk even if it hurt. I felt arms grab onto me and I was about to punch them when I noticed it was Skull.

"Wow dude! It's just me! How'd that happen? What happened to you?" He asked.

"Stop asking me questions and get me to the... Ughhhh! My head!" I moan in pain. Trying to speak hurts. Trying to think hurts. Trying to stay awake hurts!

"Oh my gosh! Let's get you to the hospital. Skull give him to me! It'll be quicker!" Tania said.

"No Tania! We'll drive him there."

"He'll be knocked out cold if we let that happen!" She said and grabbed me from him slowly.

"No, let me. Tania stay here." General Leon says picking me up. Just then he uses his speed and we're near the hospital within a second. He takes me inside and yells for help. I moan in pain at all the noise and notice that not only my head hurts, but my arm and leg. Looking at my arm I notice a cut and my pants has a hole in it and I just notice, a knife in that whole... I grab it and he looks at me like I am crazy. I was on the gurney as I pulled it out. It didn't hurt but I inspected the blade. Then I gritted my teeth. This is Will's knife. Then his face pops in my memory. He was one of the guys trying to get me. The knife was taken from my hands and I saw my dad. He was confused.

"Dad watch... Watch Skull. Tell him to look at that knife." I hissed the last part through clenched teeth as they get me to try and lay down. I glare at them but I slowly lay back. I yell out in pain when they put something on my arm. They're trying to hold my arm down but I want to punch them. I make a move for me to punch them, but my dad grabs my hand and holds it. They start to tell him that he needs to let go after they put the IV in and all. I was slowly dozing out as my dad yelled to me. Damn, my head hurts!

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