Coming back to a nightmare

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Chapter 31

*Jaycie's POV*

My family and I had gone out without their mates and I without my boyfriend was upsetting, only to my brothers. I was the only one somewhat okay with it. Tessa decided to spend time with her family and Lakyn along with Chelsea and Chasten's family. Chase had grumbled which made me snicker.  The main reason he grumbled was because his mom said he had paperwork to do anyway. Although I did have this feeling to just sneak out of this, I stayed. Sure, I wanted to see some of the things Chase was doing even if it was stupid paperwork, but I could survive one day without him.

'Actually, I know I can!' I thought smugly to myself.

My wolf was chuckling and I could tell that she wanted to snicker.

'Oh Jaycie, Jaycie, Jaycie... you're saying that now. Wait until you come of age.' She says and I frown. What the hell is that suppose to mean? I sigh knowing I would most likely not get the answers I want. I decided to ignore my wolf and what she said. The car ride there was silent except for the complaints here and there. Once we were there we got out the car. We decided to explore some stores.

We went everywhere to find things interesting. I shopped mainly for the others finding gifts. We also found some new electronics for the house itself. We found a stereo, a desktop, and a few other things that the whole family wanted. Then I started to shop for myself finding pants, shirts, and more cool things.  I did help Daniella pick out some outfits but Mom and Dad mainly helped her.

When we finished we decided to eat but I was playing with my food more and being silent. My mom though, she was talkative with my father, sister and brothers. They let Gold eyes stay with us. Yes, I called him Gold eyes. While his name is Walter James he doesn't like to be called Walter, so he goes by James. Although my mom and dad call him Walter. They won't stop calling him that.  He's told them multiple times to just call him James, but of course my parents are stubborn.  Once he figured that out and that I was just as stubborn to continuously call him Gold eyes, he gave up and stuck to it.

"Jaycie, are you alright?" Speaking of Gold eyes he was talking to me.

I looked up and blinked a few times before I nodded.

"I'm fine, why?"

"You haven't been talking." He said.

I shrugged.

"I'm not feeling to talkative today." I answered honestly.

"You feeling tired?" My mom asked getting my attention and that is when I noticed everyone was looking at me. I looked away clearing my throat as I sat up. I felt uncomfortable. They always do this. After I get kidnapped... They always wait for my reply and get concerned easily.

"No, I'm okay. I guess, I might be...but I'll be fine. Really." I said.

"Are you sure? If anything, you still looked drained."  Daniella pointed out then asked, "what did my father do to you when he told me to leave?"

"Which time?" I asked confused for a second then I felt stupid, of course she would have meant the most recent time, being last night. "Oh, umm he just... He just took me to another room and tied me up and brought Mom in. Then he sent someone else?" I asked more to myself than to the others.  I looked down at my food in confusion for a second before I nodded.  "Yeah, that's what happened..."

"Jaycie, can you even remember?" Xander asked.

"I-I can! I just.. I just... Ugh, can we not talk about this?" I asked in a defeated tone as I sighed.  I went back to playing with my food with a frown.  I sighed again as I went in my own world.  I didn't even know what to think.  I grumble to myself and sigh a shakey sigh.  After I sighed I felt someone touch me on my shoulder.  The touch had jolted me out of my own world and surprised me as I gasp. I was scared all of the sudden that it made me tense, making my heart thud a million beats a second.

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