Chapter 25: Not on His Watch

Start from the beginning

"Cath kissed Caleb," read the message.

Josh's jaw dropped, and he looked hurriedly in nervous horror from impatient Matt to his phone.

"Who was it?"

"No one!" Josh stammered, shoving it in his back pocket.

"Josh, who was it?" Matt asked again.

"Just Jack," Josh lied with a laugh. "You know how he pesters me...never. Well, after seeing you he wanted to check in."

Matt immediately saw through Josh's facade. "It's about Catherine, isn't it?" He asked slowly.

"Just that Jack's worried about the emotional strain this relationship might put her under. He looked up her record," Josh murmured hurriedly.

It wasn't all false, but Matt didn't need to hear truth to be kept safe.

"I just miss her. It's not like her to go without texting me," Matt sighed.

Josh gave a small, awkward wince. "Yep."


"I just miss him," Catherine sighed.

The girls had stopped dancing long ago and had begun to talk about Matt once again.

"It's not normal to go without texting him."

"Yeah, I know," Mariah replied. Putting a hand on Catherine's shoulder.

Suddenly, Josh called Catherine's name.

Catherine went over and asked, "What's up, Josh?"

"The sky, you idiot," Josh spat. "You kissed Caleb?!"

Catherine could barely contain her shock. "You...know about that?"

Mari made a throat cutting gesture at Josh from behind Cath's back.


Catherine turned with blazing eyes to Mariah. "You told him?" She exclaimed. "I can't believe you! I trusted you!"

Josh flushed red and pulled Cath away from Mari. "Leave her alone! I was entitled to know. Keep her out of this. Did you kiss him?!"

"No, you weren't," Catherine hissed, pushing Josh away. "That was private information."

Josh grabbed Cath's wrist firmly, his eyes looking steadily and keenly into her own. "Cath," he said, his voice deep and dark, "you said you wouldn't hurt him. Matt is the only thing I have left in this world, and God dang it, if I'm going to let anyone hurt him-" He tightened his grip on her wrist and bit his lip, his jaw clenched in anger. "Did you kiss Caleb?!"

Caleb noticed the commotion and moved over to the pair. "I would let go of her, if I were you," he said, towering over Josh.

Josh looked at the pair, the truth of the situation clicking in his mind. His face turned red, eyes nearly tearing up with fiery defiance. He liked Caleb, he always had, but no one hurts Matthew Collins. Not on his watch.

In a fury of righteous indignation, Josh clenched his right fist, reared back, and with his whole body, thrust a punch across Caleb's jaw, sending him doubling backward into one of the sets.

Caleb merely got up and brushed himself off. He turned his attention to Catherine. "Cathy, are you alright?"

"I just need to get out of here," she replied weakly, her voice quavering.

"Do you need me to take you home?" He offered.

"No, it's alright. I'll walk," Catherine replied, clamping a hand over her mouth and letting a few tears fall.

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