I was not in a good mood and this girl isn't helping matters! I'm so upset that I believe even a stroke of a feather on my arm will trigger me.

"Umar Kashim has reached the party! Amanda just posted it on her Snapchat!" She said as she shoved the phone to my face.

I moved the phone backwards to get a better view of the video. "you can't even see his face, people are just crowding him, what does he do?"

Rumaisa frowned as she took her phone away "what do you mean by 'what does he do!"

I sighed. "I mean, how is he famous?"

Well..his dad is rich, he's been famous like sincee, He used to be one of Abuja's boys kigane? but now he has taken over his dad's business, his dad has retired, he's more mature now though...but not that much, considering he still goes to clubs and all that, and no one insults him and gets away with it! He's kind of arrogant, but I still love him!, he's sooooo fine, I can't believe I'm going to meet him, Hali says she'll introduce him to me! I'll be his future wife Insha Allah!" She squealed.

Baba Sani shook his head in amusement and I looked at her in annoyance.

"I don't know whether to use the word pathetic or delusional on you..maybe both." I said to her.

She gasped as she looked at me, offended.

"So that's the kind of guy you want to marry?, the one who goes to clubs, probably drinks, arrogant..??" I asked.

She shrugged. "yeah...what's your problem?"

I sighed, not even knowing what to say to her
"Allah ya shirya" (May Allah guide you)

"Ameen." Baba sani whispered.

I smiled a little at my sister's stupidity until the events that happened an hour ago came rushing into my head, a frown immediately painted my face and I felt like crying again.

I can not believe it.

I just hoped and prayed that whatever Ya Abdul wanted to say to him will work.

"Mun zoh, but we can not enter, Sai dai ku fita Anan, chiki ya chika." Baba sani told us ( We have arrived, you have to go out from here, the inside is full.)

I looked at the house and my eyes widened.

This big house is filled with cars? I can't count the cars that are outside, I can't imagine how many are inside then.

I was considering staying in the car with Baba sani...

I'm not exactly the most social person.

"Let's go." Rumaisa said as she went out of the car with a big wrapped gift in her hands.

I walked out of the car and we entered through the busy gate, why on earth is a birthday party looking like a wedding??

At the back of the house, there's a big hall that the party was talking place in.

Immediately we entered the hall, I understood what Rumaisa said about my dressing.

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