I nodded as I turned to take my veil and I followed her to baba's living room.

Aunty sat down on the couch adjacent to baba's and I sat down on the carpet close to her.

"Hameeda, before I tell you what I want to tell you, know that after we finish talking you are escorting your sister to that party that she's going to" Baba said.

Oh no!

"Baba, I have an assignment to finish, but Ya Abdul is around?" I suggested.

"Keh, are you arguing with me? I'm sending Abdul on an errand, so you must escort her. Do you understand?" He said.

Rumaisa is a grown adult! She didn't need an escort. And did she really have to go for that party? I wanted to ask that but for the sake of my own well being I decided against it.

I nodded.

"Good" he said "Now, if you remember very well, I had a talk with you 2 months ago."

My eyes widened.

Of course I remember, he told me that I had 4 months to get a guy, if not he's going to get me a guy to get married to.

I never understood why he wanted to marry me off so bad, something along the lines of it not looking good that the eldest daughter is still unmarried. What??? With all due respect, most of the time I believe my father forgets I'm only 20.

In some families that's still too young for marriage, so I don't know why my father is making it seem like I'm in my Forties.

"Bu-..but Baba, it's not four months ye-..yet." I stammered.

He nodded. "Im aware of that, but you are going to waste everyone's time, so I found you a guy myself, he's reasonable and our business ties will strengthen when there's a relation secured."

Shikenan Hameeda, he's probably going to get you married to an old man!, probably his friend, maybe it's even that his friend Alhaji Yakubu! The one with the pot belly!

I felt sick. The way my stomach turned from his words made be believe I needed a toilet.

He continued. "..and I have already finished talking with his family, everything is settled, we are getting you two married in exactly three weeks."

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirajiun.

He can't possibly be serious. Can he? This makes no sense.

Don't cry, don't cry.

"Kina jina?" he asked. (are you listening)

"Bu-.." I tried to object but he cut me off.

"Kina. Jina?" He repeated

I remained still, after a few seconds I forced myself ti quickly nod my head, knowing if I leave him to repeat him self the third time I won't like it.

"Toh Tashi ki tafi, rumaisa na jiran ki" he said, then he turned his neck to continue watching the news, acting like he hasn't dropped the biggest bomb on me.
(ok stand up and leave, Rumaisa is waiting for you.)

And to top it all, I still have to escort rumaisa to Halima's birthday.

Yeah, my life is going absolutely great!

I stood up trying so hard not to burst out crying.

I looked at Aunty who was trying so hard not to meet my eyes, I knew she gave an effort to stop Baba, but once Baba makes his mind, it's almost impossible to change it.

I walked into my room to see Ya Abdul on my bed writing on my book.

"Ok look, i finished the first question, let me-.....Hameeda, what's wrong?" Ya Abdul immediately sat up straight when he noticed my face.

My tears betrayed me and they started falling.

He stood up and he walked towards me and he placed his hands on my cheeks "what happened?"

"Ba-..Baba, is getting me mar-..married in two weeks, and it's probably to Alhaji yak-..yakubu" I sniffed "and also..I have to escort Rumaisa to that stupid birthday, to see that...that..that..that stupid Halima and that her stupid famous cousin!"

Ya Abdul wrapped his arms around me, and I placed my head on his shoulder.

"I'll go talk to him, he can't do that." ya Abdul said.

I shook my head "don't talk to him, he may get more upset and bring the date even closer!"

"He won't do that, and why would he want to marry you off against your will?" Ya Abdul said.

"I don't know! Why does he hate me so much, what did I ever do to him?!"

Ya Abdul didn't say his normal line of 'he doesn't hate you, he's just doing what's good for you' because even he is starting to believe that Baba hates me.

"I really-.." ya Abdul began to say.

The door swung open.

I hate my life..

Rumaisa walked in. "Ya Abdul, Baba is calling you, and Hameeda, let's go."

It took every effort in me not to take the night lamp on my bedside table and bang it on her head.

That will literally make Baba marry me off today.

"Ok" he told her, then he kissed my head and he left the room.

"Hurry up, I'll be waiting in the living room." she said as she walked out and she closed the door behind he.

All I want to do is lay down on my bed and cry, but I have to go to some party filled with people like Rumaisa.

Sounds like a pandemic!



Here's the second chapter!

How was it?

I don't like her dad. 😕

Oh well.

Enjoy your day!


Love, M😘

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