Chapter 3 - Daily Life 1/4

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Just like the mood went from acceptable to depressing when Chuya was executed, so does it now. They lost a classmate, a friend. Sure, Reiji's hyperness could be a little annoying if you were around him for too long but for Ren it was refreshing in a way. Although, as an introvert, being around the pink head for longer than an hour drained Ren completely of energy, he actually thought it was nice to be around someone enthusiastic about pretty much everything for a change.

The chess player wants to talk to Kaida, but he isn't sure if he should. Even if he did that he probably wouldn't be able to find the right words to say, that was a gift she has, he doesn't.

It was obvious that this trial had taken its toll on the calligrapher. She was standing in the corner of the lift all by herself when they returned from the Class Trial, tears in her eyes.

It's crystal clear that she's already accepted Seiichi's death, she already had a good cry as soon as she found the body, but that doesn't change the fact that she's probably still upset. Ren doesn't blame her, she and Seiichi had gotten quite close over the past few days.

Ginjiro seemed pretty upset as well. Just like Kaida, he had bonded with the ninja and they got along surprisingly well despite the huge difference in personality, just like Ren and Reiji.

Heck, even Yuna was sad. No one had expected that sudden speech from her just before Reiji was executed. They were fighting every time they were in the same room, but despite that they didn't seem to hate each other.

Ren lets himself fall on his bed to stare up at the ceiling 'I wonder how everyone is coping...'

The benefits of sucking at empathy, the sadness of losing someone doesn't hit you as hard as it hits other people.

Before he can think it over, Ren sinks into a dreamless slumber.


Just like the previous time, breakfast is surprisingly silent and this time Kagami doesn't fall flat on the ground to get rid of the tension. In fact, there seem to be major eyebags under her grey eyes. She did have eyebags when they first met, but they seem to be steadily getting worse since the first trial that killed Chuya.

Monokuma shows up "Man, this is quite the pity-party you're throwing for yourselves. And I've come with such an amazing announcement."

"Yeah, yeah, the next floor is open. We get it, so fuck off." Maeko huffs, glaring daggers at the bear.

"How rude..." Monokuma sulks and leaves.

"That fucking bear. He has the fucking nerve to come tell us useless bullshit after everything he's done to us?!" The firebreather grits her teeth and clenches her fists.

"Calm down, if you attack him he'll just kill you." Naomi is just sitting with a neutral expression and her arms crossed. She's one of the few people who doesn't seem affected by the deaths at all.

Maeko stands up, knocking over her chair in the process. She's pissed "Calm down?! Are you fucking nuts, Endo-san?! That murderous toy manipulated Seto-san and Watanabe-kun into killing someone else before murdering them in the most fucked up way possible! How can you sit here so calmly as if nothing happened?! Don't you give a shit about those who died?!"

Before Naomi can respond they hear a loud 'Calm down!' echoing through the dining hall. Yuna looks incredibly determined "Haseyama, pick up your chair and just sit down again." When Maeko looks like she's going to comment, Yuna throws a look that pretty much means 'don't mess with me or you'll regret it' her way and adds "Now."

The firm determination in the blonde's voice manages to break through even Maeko's fury, and although she is muttering curses under her break the firebreather does as she's told.

"Anyone else who wants to throw a tantrum?" Yuna asks "Because now's the time to do so."

It stays dead silent.

The synchronised swimmer rubs her temple, but she doesn't look annoyed or frustrated "Now that everyone had the chance to throw all of their anger, frustration and what not out, I expect you to listen to me and stay quiet." She glances around the room "Don't think another trial didn't affect me, I'm just as upset as you guys, but the difference here is that I don't let it cloud my common sense." She sighs "Look, it's only fair that we're mad at Monokuma for putting us in this situation in the first place, I agree that it's his fault, but we can't just go charge at him. If we do that we throw away all of the sacrifices Izumi, Seto, Ueda and Watanabe made so we could survive, because Monokuma will just kill us without a second thought." She stands up and places her right hand, which is clenched in a fist, firmly on her chest "All we can do is stand up and move forward, because Ueda and Watanabe didn't give their lives so we could sit down and pity ourselves for all eternity!"

It appears everyone is taking a moment to let Yuna's words sink in, some people are even staring at her with wide eyes.

"Arita-san is right." Kaida speaks up, in the silence even her soft voice can be heard easily "If we don't move forward, Ueda-kun... Watanabe-kun... all of them will have died in vain. Giving up... would be an insult to their memory."

Tatsuya smiles "I agree with that."

"Then let us move forward together." Kagami suggests.

Yuna looks at them with pride in her eyes. A faint smile graces her features "Everyone... Thank you..."

"Okay then, let's explore this next floor." Ginjiro beams.

The others nod in agreement.

Ren allows a small smile to appear as well 'Those people never fail to amaze me.'

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