Forget her

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A/N: Dua will just be a ordinary person in this and you will be dating someone else in the beginning you can come up with a name I'm just going to use Y/G/N (your girlfriends name)
Your Pov:

As I'm standing at the side of the stage watch Y/G/N perform her songs I noticed someone in the audience. She was holding this sign that said that said really rude and inappropriate things. So I walked to her and asked them to follow me backstage into a room so I didn't make a scene.

As soon as we got into brighter light I noticed how beautiful she was which caused me to stumble over my words. "I.........i....I need you to either leave or throw out that sign" I said to her. "Wow no hi or what's your name even though your probably not interested". As she talked her accent was so perfect. "Your accent is so cute" I said in a whisper but she still heard it. "Oh so you think I'm cute" she said while laughing. I was shocked she heard me. "I never said that" I said. "So you don't think I'm cute" she said shortly after. "No I'm not saying thing, I think your cute but............. just forget I said anything I have a girlfriend anyway so we should get back to what we were talking about. So either throw the sign out or leave" I said.

"So you don't even want to know what the sign is for what a shame" she said while smirking. "What's the sign for" I said irritated. "It's for you your girlfriend should know not to cheat on someone like you and I had to remind her of that cause if I had you I would never treat you like she does I mean she acts like you don't even exist AND YOU LIVE WITH HER"she said with a shocked and mad look on her face. I shortly said after with a sad and surprised face "I never knew she cheated and I never realized how bad she treated how dumb could I be".

"No your not dumb she's just and arrogant bitch who doesn't know how to care of things that should be treasured" she said. We sat their for a minute looking at each other. God she is so beautiful. "Give me your phone". "Why" she said. "Just give it". She handed me her phone and I put my number in it and gave it back to her. "Text me when the concert is over". "Ok" she said. And I walked her back to the concert forgetting about the sign.

End of the concert:
It's now the end of the concert and I'm breaking up with Y/G/N. And right as I thought that there she was just standing there doing god knows what on her phone. I walked up to her but I froze for a second but I don't know why. All of the sudden I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out to look at it and it's was just a number. I immediately knew it was that girl from earlier. I don't know why I never asked for her name. The text just said hey why did you need me to text you.

I don't know why but that gave me all the courage I need to walk up to Y/G/N. "Can we talk for a second". "I'm kind of busy" she said. "You are just on your phone just listen to me for once Damn It! I'm sick of it you act like I don't even exist you hang out with your friends more than me and do you know how hard I've tried, I've focused my energy on someone who doesn't even care and then on top of that you cheat on me so we're done!!". "You know what leave I'll find somebody better" she said. "Yeah well apparently you already have I'm going home to go get my stuff and don't even fucking text me or call me ever cause you'll come back just like the last time so bye" I said. And then I drove off.

I just got my stuff from my exes house and now I'm sitting in my car. I had completely forgot that, that girl texted me. So I decided to text her back.

Hey are you free.
Ok meet me at McDonald's      at 12pm.

Mind telling me what your name so I
know what to call you.

My name is Dua Lipa

Ok Dua Lipa I'll see you later.

I guess you will.

Later at McDonald's:

I'm standing at the front of McDonald's waiting for her. Then I start think about how beautiful she is. As soon as someone tapped me I snapped out of my thoughts. It was Dua. "Hey Y/N" she said. "Hey Dua". "This is kind of an odd place to meet at" she said. "Well I have to tell you something............. I broke up with her".

"Really, are you ok" she said. "I couldn't be better I just wanted to talk to you because all my friends were based around her and I think I should meet new people now". "Oh ok". She said with a sad look for some reason. "Awww why do you look like that". "cause you said you wanted new friends I want to be more than a friends" she whispered looking down at the ground hoping I wouldn't hear her but I did.
"Well I was hoping that too but I have to get to know you first"I said with a smirk. Then she got happy really fast.

After that the night took us away it was almost 3am and I didn't want to leave but I was getting tired. "Well I should probably get going it's getting late". "No come back to my apartment please" she said in a low voice. "fine I don't have a place to stay at anyway".

At the apartment:
"Do you have any clothes I can borrow to sleep in". "Yeah just hold on". As I walk in I see her standing their in just a bra and underwear. I couldn't help but stare. I snapped out of staring when she threw clothes at me. "Do you have a bathroom where I can change". "I do but just change their no need to act like that" she said playfully.

So we got changed and layed in bed. "I know your tired but do you want to watch a movie or go to sleep. "I'll watch a movie with you". So she put on Netflix and found a scary movie.

As we were watching the movie she kept getting scared and it was the cutest thing ever. Every time their was a scary part she would jump and hold on to my arm.

But finally after the movie we went to sleep.

their is going to be a second part to this their will probably be two parts to every story I write but I don't know when I'm going to publish the second part to this because I might start working on another story as well.

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