epilouge // yoongi

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"I'm home!" Jimin yells, dancing happily through the door. "Where are my two favorite people?"

"Right here," I shout from the living room.

I'm sitting cross legged on the couch with my laptop across my lap, working on my memoir. I know everyone is going to say I'm not old enough to be writing a memoir, but I feel like I've already learned so much that needs to be shared with the world. From meeting my first love to marrying my true love to holding my first child.

I look over at little baby Mina lying next to me staring curiously at her teether before sticking it in her mouth. I tickle her belly, loving the sound of her giggle.

Jimin comes into the room with a smile and picks her up. "How was your day my beautiful little baby girl?"

She giggles again in response.

"And how was yours my beautiful big baby boy," Jimin says, sitting down and leaning against me.

"It was going great until you called me a big baby," I tease.

He laughs, leaning his head on his shoulder while shifting Mina so she can lay more comfortably.

"How was work Jiminie," I say running my fingers through his hair.

He's been pretty stressed lately. Hoseok made him a co-owner at the dance studio and they're planning on expanding soon.

"It was ok. Things are coming along," he smiles. "But I'm really really tired."

He's so much happier than when I first met him. It makes me proud to know I was part of what caused that.

"How the story going?" He asks.

I look at him in offense. "It's not just a story! This is a compilation of my life's events. The most important things that have ever happened to me!"

He laughs. God, how I love that sound.

I lean in and press kisses all over his face. "You are the most important thing that has ever happened to me."

"And you," I say to Mina, gently kissing both of her chubby cheeks.

Mina eventually falls asleep with her slobbery teether falling onto Jimin's chest. And Jimin falls asleep with his head on my shoulder, softly snoring.

I get back to writing.

I don't know how I ever got this lucky. I've done some regretful things in the past, yet I still got so lucky. Lucky enough to have the boy of my dreams asleep in my arms and the most beautiful girl asleep in his. We went through hell- him and I. But it truly was necessary for us to reach where we are now.

This is the story of us.


Anddd it officially over! Thank you everyone who read and enjoyed this story. Thank you to everyone who wrote comments telling me how it is or actually read my Author's Notes. Thank you to everyone who voted and basically got this story to the top. Literally some of my friends are talking about how it's coming up on Wattpad's homepage and that so fucking crazy. 

If you liked this story please go check out Stigma//Vhope 

Also I'm gonna be publishing a Taekook story soon that is gonna be really good so follow me for updates and notifications on that :)

I love you all so much !!! 

Love yourself, Speak yourself, and stream Boy with Luv !

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