29 // yoongi

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I'm frustrated at myself for writing this :/

"What the hell Yoongi!" Chan yells over the phone.

"I'm sorry! I told you I overslept," I say, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

"You're not getting paid to sleep," he growls with his thick Australian accent, making it even scarier.

I never cry. But lately, with all this stress piling up, I've become insanely sensitive.

"I'm on way over right now ok!" I yell back, trying to pull on my jacket with one hand while still holding up my phone. 

Jimin comes around and helps me put it on with a guilty look on his face. He can no doubt hear that my manager is yelling.

"Lay off him, he's barely slept!" I can hear Jisung trying to reason with him in the background.

"Stay out of this Han," Chan barks. "Min, get your ass over here right now. The press conference starts in half an hour and we still haven't gone over what you're going to say."

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10," I say before hanging up.

How could I forget the first conference for my new book. This is what my fans will be waiting for. To hear the new concept and maybe get some spoilers. This is one of the main factors that will decide whether the novel will be a hit or not.

"I'm so so sorry Yoongi," Jimin says sadly. "This is my fault."

I don't pay attention to him as I run through the door to my car without looking back. I call Jisung while I drive, telling him to go over what I'm going to be asked. My heart is beating out of my chest.

I arrive at SKZ Publishing and rush up the stairs where a makeup crew is already waiting to fix me up for the live broadcast.

"Don't give away anything major," Chan explains while one of the hairstylists fixes my messy bedhead. "Keep it super super basic so you can change things later on if needed."

His anger seems to have faded, he's just as stressed as me. I've done this countless times before with my other books but it's just as nerve wracking with each new story. You never know if they will like it or not.

"Good luck," Chan says giving me a thumbs up as I head into the meeting room where interviewers already wait with mics and cameras.

I smile, thinking Jimin will be at home watching. A lot of this story has been based on him. 

But them I suddenly remember his face as I left. His words- "This is all my fault."

"No-" I whisper, as I realize I never responded.

The poor boy is probably overthinking everything right now.

Jisung looks at me with a concerned look from the corner of the room.

"Not now," he mouths, knowing something must be bothering me.

I let out a shaky breath, just hoping he's ok. He's so sensitive, I can't bear the thought of him being hurt.

I get through the press conference, trying to keep my focus on hyping up my book. As soon as it ends and the cameras turn off I reach for my phone. It's bombarded with positive messages from fans talking about how excited they are. I go to call Jimin but get interrupted.

"Wooh!!" Jisung cheers, looking down at his phone. "You're trending number one worldwide on Twitter! We have to go celebrate!"

I'm about to say I should head home (to see Jimin), but-

"For sure," Chan agrees. "I'll get the rest of the team as well."

"I-" I can't say no now. "Sounds great!"

lie //yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now