11 // yoongi

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I can't help but glance at the boy sitting next to me while I'm driving. He has his eyes closed with the ends of his lips turned up while I sing along with the radio. 

I haven't even gotten to know him, but I think I already like him. The thought terrifies me.

I park my car at the mall and Jimin's eyes flutter open.

"You have a really pretty voice," he says shyly.

"Thank you," I smile, getting out of the car and opening the door for him. He blushes at my actions.

As we walk around the mall he starts to get more comfortable around me. He tells me how he loves to sing but is too shy to let anyone listen. About how he used to be a dancer when he was young. About how he used to live with the brothers that own the cafe.

I'm listening but most of my focus is on his small hand gripping onto mine. His skin is so soft, I'm finding myself wanting to run my thumb along his finger. He doesn't seem to mind so I keep doing it.

He suddenly stops talking and looks up at me. "You look so so familiar. Are you sure we haven't met before?"

My heart starts beating really fast as I try to come up with an excuse. I don't want him to know I'm Suga just yet. There have been tons of people that have tried to get close to me for money. Not that I think Jimin would do that- I just need to play it safe until I'm more sure of him.

"Uh, I don't think so," I say, rubbing the back of my neck. "I think I would remember if I met you."

He blushes again, looking away from me.

We wander into a Calvin Klein store and Jimin let's go of my hand to pick up a soft cream colored sweater. He holds it up in the mirror and then turns to me with a smile.

"Yoongi hyung, look how pretty this color is," he says playing with the sleeves.

I have to bite back the urge to call him babyboy. "You would look good in that."

He looks for the price tag and his eyes widen in surprise when he finds it. He carefully sets it down and takes my hand again.

He helps me pick out some dress shirts for "work". I tell him I work as a publisher. It isn't a lie since I do somewhat help with the publishing of my books. The clothes are actually for the press conferences and parties I have to go to this month.

Along with the shirts Jimin picked, I secretly buy the sweater he liked and put it in a different bag. It's kind of expensive but then again I have money and he would look amazing in it.

After walking around for almost 2 hours I suggest we get something to eat at the food court.

"I'm not hungry, but you can get something," he says. "I eat a lot while I'm at work."

"But that was almost like 4 hours ago?" I look at him unsure. "Anyways it's almost dinner time."

"Yeah, but I'm not hungry," he says more forcefully. "I'll eat something when I get home."

I think about his empty kitchen, but I don't say anything about it.

"Ok, let's just go back then," I say, taking his hand.

I love how perfectly his hand fits into mine. I run my thumb along his palm, hearing him giggle at the ticklish feeling. I love his giggle as well.

We drive back to his house and I walk him up to his doorstep with the shopping bag in my hands.

"We should do this again," Jimin says, not meeting my eyes.

This little habit of avoiding eye contact is starting to bother me. I tilt his chin up again.

"Look at me when you speak, beautiful," I say.

He blushes but keeps his eyes on me.

"This is for you," I say handing him the bag.

He looks inside curiously and he gasps when he sees what it is.

"Hyung! I can't take this! It's too expensive," he says trying to give the bag back to me.

"Don't worry about it, Jimin. It would look so good on you," I say. "Wear it next time I see you."

He blushes further and nods. "Thank you."

"God, you look so cute when you blush," I coo.

I kiss his cheek before heading back to my car. I glance back to see him still standing in his doorway, touching his cheek in shock. I realize I'm grinning like an idiot during the whole drive back home.

Shit, I'm falling for him fast aren't I?


There's a lot of short chapters from here. I don't know why I did that but it's too much work to change now :/ I'll just do more updates

This is almost to 100 reads already?! Thanks to those of you voting and commenting. The comments are always so fun to read :)

Ok but for real though... Is this story even good? I feel like it's boring and it's pretty plain compared to how I usually write. 

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