1 // yoongi

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"C'mon man, you're literally always working," my best friend, Hoseok, whines over the phone. "Just come get breakfast with me."

I groan, shutting my laptop after making sure I've saved my work for the fourth time.

"Fine, but we're only getting breakfast. My characters were just about to meet," I say, referring to the two men in my story.

"Lemme guess? He walks into a coffee shop and falls in love with the barista?" Hobi laughs.

I scoff, correcting him. "I'm not that stereotypical. He walks into a cafe."

"Oh like that's any less cliche." I can practically hear him rolling his eyes through my phone speaker. I know he's only joking though- he's a complete fanboy for my books.

"Yah! Just come pick me up," I laugh.

"On my way! I'll see you soooon," he sings, happiness radiating from him.

It's one of the main reasons why I love Hobi even though he's the polar opposite of me. His extroverted personality brings some adventure into my otherwise dull life.

I get out of my office room and head into my bedroom to find something more fitting to wear out. I'm currently dressed in fading black sweats and an old over-sized white shirt that I'm sure Hobi would cry at the thought of me going out in.

I wash up my face and apply some light makeup to cover up the fact that I had been writing all night, building up to the point where my star crossed lovers would finally meet.

I change into a fitted black T-shirt tucked into ripped skinny jeans that hug my legs in all the right places along with a pair of glasses that I wear just to look cooler.

I check myself out in the mirror, admiring the reflection. I don't really dress up for anyone other than myself. As of right now, I don't have the desire to date, I'm much too absorbed in my work. I have millions of fans waiting for my next novel and no time to waste. But when I do go out I don't mind a couple eyes looking my way.

I hear Hoseok honking his horn outside so I hurry out the door. I'm greeted by a warm hug.

"I missed you Yoongs," Hobi squeezes me until I can't breathe.

He steps away and eyes me for a second before saying. "You look like a 5 course meal."

I laugh. "Too bad nobody gets to eat it."

"Who knows, maybe you'll meet the love of your life at the 'cafe' we're going to," he smirks, getting into the driver's seat of his Mercedes while I go around to the passenger side.

"I highly doubt it."

I'm not going to lie- I have fantasized about having a romance like the ones I write about. But I know it's not real life. There's a reason why my books are classified as fiction.

Hoseok turns up the radio and we ugly-sing along with all the overplayed songs until we pull up in front of a new diner.

"Kim's Cafe," Hobi grins. "Home of the best food I've ever eaten in my 24 years of life."

I can't help but smile as he takes my hand and drags me through the door of the small cafe.

I have to admit, it smells amazing. The dim lighting along with the lofi jazz playing in the background made me think I could come here more often. It seems like the perfect place to write.

We take a seat at a booth in the corner.

"This is the perfect place to-"

"To work, I know," Hobi laughs. "That's why I wanted to show this place to you."

"Hello, I'm Taehyung! I'll be your server for today," says one of the waiters with a unique smile.

He hands us menus and gives up a couple minutes to decide what to order.

"He's really cute!!" Hobi whisper yells across the table once the waiter leaves.

"I guess," I shrug.

He stares at me in disbelief. "Are you even gay? How is he not the most gorgeous man you've ever seen??"

"He's not my type," I shrug again.

I see the waiter walking over to the counter to talk to a small blonde haired boy. It looks like he's yelling actually. The blonde shrinks away; I think he's crying. He immediately wipes his eyes with the sleeves of his baby blue sweater. The boy, Taehyung, says one more thing before storming away. I wonder what that's about.

"Yoongi?" I realize Hobi's been trying to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I direct my attention back on him.

"I was asking you what you wanted to order," he says.

"Oh I don't know, what's the best?" I look through the surprisingly long menu. They have everything from coffees to sandwiches to cupcakes.

"Literally everything," he replies, not helping in the slightest.

"Let's order everything then," I smile, stomach grumbling.

The smaller blonde boy approaches our table. Now that I can see him up close I realize that he's actually really cute. Now he's my type.

"Hi! I'm Jimin! Taehyung had to take a quick break so I'll be your waiter now." He smiles sweetly as if he hadn't been crying just moments ago. "What can I get you?"

"A plate of pancakes, waffles, omelettes, bacon, 2 blueberry muffins, 2 mocha lattes, and a coffee cake to go," Hoseok reads off the menu while I stare at him with my mouth hanging open.

"I didn't literally mean order everything!" I say, embarrassed.

Jimin giggles, writing down our order.

"We'll have that out to you as soon as possible." He grins and his eyes turn to little crescents. I had to clamp my mouth shut to keep from cooing at how cute he is.

The short boy retreats into the kitchen with his fluffy blonde hair bouncing slightly.

"Now that's my type," I say smirking as my eyes land on his bubble butt.

"Oooh!" Hobi squeals. "The Min Yoongi is actually interested in someone??"

"Shush, I never said I was interested," I say, looking away.

Our food comes faster than expected. Hobi wasn't lying, it is probably the best food I've tasted in a while. We eat until we feel sick and pack up our leftovers for later.

The blonde comes back with our check.

"Please give my compliments to the chef," I say to him, feeling tired from how full I am.

"Of course. Jin would be very happy to hear you enjoyed the food!" The boy grins again and I safely come to the conclusion that he is a living mochi.

Hobi and I pay for breakfast and he drops me off at my house again.

I leave my coffeecake on the kitchen counter and head back into my office with the cute blonde still on my mind.

Hm.. maybe the Min Yoongi is interested.


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